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Not Talking to me anymore?


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good eve everyone,


just to get to the point, ive been talking to this girl for aobut 3 weeks non stop now, and i know she likes me, she gives a lot of hints, like chatting 1st, sending pics, and she gets mad if i dont talk back right away and many more indicators.


anyways, now she's not talking to me its been a day ahahah, i know it sounds needy, and i know what im doing, so im not talking back too. im just anxious. she might be busy, or whatever.


the reason i haven't gone out to a date, is because im on vacation in another country, and im coming back home to her in a couple more days. we've set a few dates already, and a few activities we would like to do once i get back, but since yesterday she's been acting weirdly.


then in a group chat that were both in, she told everyone how she was followed by a foreigner and covertly doped his phone number, she said she was scared and gave the number to her gay friend. this made me even more anxious. she isnt the easy type, in fact she hasn't had a BF for 10 years hahahah, due to work


hopefully we can still date once i get back home, i really like this girl, ive been a player when i was younger, but now im just ready to settle.

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