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Would like to get her back, don't know what to do?

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My girlfriend of mine broke up with me about 5 weeks ago..We we're having problems with finances and a clove family member of mine was dying so going to the hospital almost everyday for two months was draining on the both of us. We both started drinking a lot and I began a sort of depression.....Anyway two weeks after this family member of mine died, she broke up with me. She w3as origionally from out of state so she went to live with her parents and told me that I had to get out of our apartment by a certain time. Anyways , I thought that she would have moved back in with her parents, out of state....Anyways after that she calls me, tells me that she is not in love with me anymore, etc....The next day, my mother sees her and asks if she would ever get back together with me in which her reply was that probably, but down the road...She has removed back into the same town in which live in but has not contacted me in about 5 weeks....I guess that I am looking for answers to, one, do we have a chance one day, two, should I pursue her, three, why would she spend all kinds of money to live basically down the street form me and so on....None of her friends, who were my friends also will even return any calls......Anyway thanks for reading, sorry for the long post and appreciate any advice....Thanks

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Its hard to tell from here on out....


Its usually time and circumstance that decides where the relationship goes...


Seems like the relationship was getting too stressful emotionally for your girlfriend and the "love" she once felt for you has now been replaced by stress and anxiety...and she desperately wants to rid herself of those feelings.


But, deep down under all of those negative feelings, I think is the feelings of love she holds for you. You just have to let her deal with her feelings and work on yourself in the meantime.


If you are not ready to move on, then fix your problems, too.


My ex and I went out for about 3 years, off and on, and the reason we broke up was because he needed to focus on school and his feelings of love for me were replaced with the stress and anxiety from school. I guess both you and I just have to let them make peace with themselves first before they will let anyone else in emotionally again.


I feel your pain and I think talking and sharing helps a lot....

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Sometimes you just need to let go and let fate. Life is pretty crazy, but I truly believe that what was meant to be will be. All you can do is let her know that you are there, and you love her, and then just back off and give her time. We women are a strange breed, I don't even think we can explain ourselves.

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