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GENTLEMEN: Are these signs that he likes me?

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Hi guys,

I was just wondering if you could help me out here. I'm working with this great guy and I'm really starting to like him. However, I'm not really sure if he is interested in me. I can't read him and it's driving me nuts. So here's my question, based on the signs he's giving me (I'll tell you in a minute) do you think it shows he's interested?


1. He's normally EXTREMEMLEY shy and the third day we met he began telling me about his family and really opened up to me.


2. When I'm talking to other guys, I can feel him looking at us and when I look up at him he quickly looks away


3. I gave him a ride home and when he called his friend to tell him he had a ride with me, the friend said something that made my interest blush deep, deep red and laugh.


4. I gave him a ride home and he used the opportunity to bring up how my messy break up was going (i was in the middle of a bad break up)


5. When he, his friend, and I were getting lunch in the cafeteria, his friend went to leave, but he stayed behind and waited for me to get my food.


There are many more but these are a few that come off the top of my head. Problem is that he has a girlfriend, but whenever someone else mentions her, he mentions that she's moving out of state soon and he doesn't think they'll continue the relationship or he also says that there is no way he is marrying her. I don't know....I'm not going to tell him that I'm attracted to him, since we are working together for the next two months and since he has a girlfriend...I just really want to know if maybe he's interested in me? What do you guys think?


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The thing is, when you really like someone, you might wrongly think that they like you. I have had that happen too many times...I really like a girl, and then I perceive almost anything she does and her showing interest in me. Of course, that might just me. Maybe I am too naive.


The fact that he is talking about his girlfriend with you really is a bad sign. People almost never mention thier relationship with someone else...even if they might break up. From what you said, I would doubt he likes you.


Wait and see what happens. If he does break up, maybe then you could make your move...even if he doesn't like you know, he might start liking you after he finds out how much you adore him. For now just be friends and get to know him more.


Good luck!!!

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I know what I am about to write won't be something you want to read, but your story echoes mine. I'll have clues wondering if "she" likes me, then I'll post them on this board or some other board and hope that everyone will say, "yes, she likes you!" But unlike my situation, I do believe he likes you in some sort of way. How much? Hard to say.


The thing is, when you really like someone, you might wrongly think that they like you. I have had that happen too many times...I really like a girl, and then I perceive almost anything she does and her showing interest in me.

Good luck!!!

This is so common with me. When I like a girl, I take every single thing she does and pretend that she likes me, to the point where I believe it. Any little look or stare, I flip flop in my favor. If she's near me and she plays with her hair, I say she's flirting with me. If she looks at me longer than usual, she's checking me out. I may get these same signals from someone who I don't particularly care for and interpret nothing, which means they all could mean the same thing: nothing.


1. He's normally EXTREMEMLEY shy and the third day we met he began telling me about his family and really opened up to me.

He could be a friendly guy, that's all. And anyone who loves their family will tell someone they are comfortable with.


2. When I'm talking to other guys, I can feel him looking at us and when I look up at him he quickly looks away

If he's shy, he could be watching you play Backgammon, and the moment you look at him, he'll look away. Do you notice this when you're talking to girls? I ask this because when those circumstances come up, when you're talking to guys, you might be waiting for him looking at you.


3. I gave him a ride home and when he called his friend to tell him he had a ride with me, the friend said something that made my interest blush deep, deep red and laugh.

That could be anything, but I'll be honest, it was probably something about you if he blushed after mentioning the ride.


4. I gave him a ride home and he used the opportunity to bring up how my messy break up was going (i was in the middle of a bad break up)

A friend who cares will want to know.


5. When he, his friend, and I were getting lunch in the cafeteria, his friend went to leave, but he stayed behind and waited for me to get my food.

Don't you think it would be a tad rude to leave you there alone? I would. He might just be a gentleman.


There are many more but these are a few that come off the top of my head.

This is a sign of overanalyzing. You seem to be taking every single thing that "could or could not" mean he likes you. I know this from experience. There is a girl who I really really like. Anytime she looks at me, I feel she's "looking" at me, even though most of the time I'm in her line of view. I can list tons of little incidents.


Unfortunately this could turn out bad, not because of the girlfriend he has, but because you'll be working together. It could be a good idea to tell him you're attracted to him, just to see if he will mention his girlfriend and what their relationship status is. I would say that he does like you, but being that he already has a girlfriend, and she's not out of the picture yet, I wouldn't expect a full confession out of him until they've broken up.


Whatever happens, good luck!

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This is so common with me. When I like a girl, I take every single thing she does and pretend that she likes me, to the point where I believe it. Any little look or stare, I flip flop in my favor. If she's near me and she plays with her hair, I say she's flirting with me. If she looks at me longer than usual, she's checking me out. I may get these same signals from someone who I don't particularly care for and interpret nothing, which means they all could mean the same thing: nothing.

That is the most maddening thing about having a crush. Especially when you see your crush do the same thing you perceived as flirting with you to someone who you KNOW they're not flirting with! Why couldn't people's intentions be clearer?! ](*,)

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This is so common with me. When I like a girl, I take every single thing she does and pretend that she likes me, to the point where I believe it. Any little look or stare, I flip flop in my favor. If she's near me and she plays with her hair, I say she's flirting with me. If she looks at me longer than usual, she's checking me out. I may get these same signals from someone who I don't particularly care for and interpret nothing, which means they all could mean the same thing: nothing.

That is the most maddening thing about having a crush. Especially when you see your crush do the same thing you perceived as flirting with you to someone who you KNOW they're not flirting with! Why couldn't people's intentions be clearer?! ](*,)

Yes, I forgot about that part. It sucks. There was this one girl who I liked, and one day I said something that cracked her up, and she said I was "so cute". At last, I have a crush on a girl and she alos likes me... wrong. The next day I heard her talking on the phone with someone and she said the same exact thing... a few weeks later she said that to about 10 different people, some of them girls!


Remember that Seinfeld episode when Elaine saw this nice looking doctor, and he called her breathtaking, then later on he called a baby breathtaking (an ugly baby at that.) That's sort of what it's like.

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The gentlemen above have all provided valuable insights about how they have gone through similar confusions. But it seems to me that these might not be the answer you have been loking for.

We all tend to overanalyze when we like someone. I even count his smiles's when I have a crush .


The first question seems to me, look at your own personal history, have you ever overestimated someone's interest about you?


The second thing is that, why don't you stay away from him for a while. I know that you are working at the same place, but take on your sexy/confident smile, and act as you are not thinking of him. I know that's hard, but you might try for a while. See if you does anything to recontact with you, a smile, a conversation opening? Something like that..

Thats all I can think of

Good luck

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