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Very complicated relationship

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Hi all.


Im 16, and in my last month at high school in England.


Ill get straight to the point. Ive been friends with this girl for 2 years now. Always sit next to each other in school. But ive only met up with her outside of school a handful of times, and even then we were with our friends. Although we usually always walked together.


In school, especially today, we always have a good laugh. Im a genuinly funny person and everyone tells me so. But theres a certain chemistry I have with her, with whatever I say she thinks is funny. Today in maths we laughed for what seemed like 5 minutes, then when we stopped she asked me what I was laughing at, I said I was laughing because she was, and she was laughing because I was, then we carried on laughing until our teacher came over and told us to be quiet.


Anywho heres the dilema, although im ultra confident around every1, Im not actually that confident. Especially when it comes to relationships, because I havent really been in 1.


Im 16 and a half stone, 6ft 2in and well built. Im just afraid that im not good enough looking for her, or does it not matter as long as you like each other (ive stuck with her even when her other boyfriends came and went)


Also, I dont really like her friends, although I am mates with them, they drink themselves until they are sick, something she dosent do but I relaly dont want to take part in that, or look like im putting a wedge between her and her friends.


Also with prom fast approaching, she told me she and her friends are going to go back to their house and have sex for the first time (shes still a virgin) and I like her too much for her to lose her virginity meaningless to somebody shes just friends with.


Dont know what to do. Should I wait until we leave school, then ask, because I also dont want to have a public relationship. Even though ive stood up infront of 300+ people before and done speaches, im a very quiet person.


Totally at a loss about what to do. Please help.

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The friends... can't do anything about those. Her friends will always come first. Sounds like she may have a thing for you as well. I think you should ask her to the prom. You'll get to be with her, prevent her from making a huge mistake with her friends.... and if all goes well you can find out if a relationship is in the future. Good luck! Keep us posted on how things go.

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I forgot to mention that she has already said she is going to the prom with an ex-boyfriend, and 1 of the people who she might have sex with. She did say that she was gonna go to the prom with him when they were going out, BUT she has said shes still gonna go with him.


Also another guy who hasent been her boyfriend but has made it clear that he "loves" her and he wants to go out with her. But she says she dosnt fancy him. But it is akward as she invited me into town, I was about to go until she mentioned his name. Im not going to compete with him in public. 1) it will be far too obvious and 2) no doubt it will make her feel akward.

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