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High school is ending


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It's the moment I've been waiting for but also the moment I dread the most. I've been working extremely hard throughout highschool also graduating with my associates degree for college. Well, somehow, now I have 3 weeks left of school and I just can't even believe it. I feel like it's come so fast and as much as I'm thanking God for only 4 years of high school, I'm finding myself get teary eyed looking back on amazing memories I've made with all my friends. Break ups, new friends, old friends, drifting apart from friends, just enjoying learning and here I am with just a few weeks more. I'm realizing that I'm most afraid of losing friends. I will never sit in a class again and make friends by just being in a mutual class. That scares me. I'm going to a big University that everyone was proud of me for getting accepted to, but I am starting online. I love college, but I love the little state college I'm attending right now to finish up my degree, I have made many friends here too. I'm just so stressed out about all of this. I feel like I'm going to be so lonely without sitting in a class with all my friends like I have the last 15 years of my life. I'm so sad but I should be happy, right?

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It's a bitter sweet, really. I kind of felt the same way. I do miss being able to walk into a lunch room full of 100+ kids my age and know them all. But I also really enjoyed college, and then I enjoyed traveling the country, and now I'm enjoying being a wife and a mother. It really is sad when one phase ends, but it's also exciting when another phase begins. I'd say your feelings are normal!

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It is harder to keep up friendships without the classroom, but you may also have deeper friendships that aren't just based on one or two shared interests. Definitely consider during your online classes to join an extracurricular because it can be pretty lonely. Once you are on campus you will make new friends and have new experiences. No matter where you are in life, in the end it is up to you to a large extent to make it be what you want it to be! It's a scary time because for the first time in your life, almost nothing about your future is set by people other than yourself. But that is also what makes it one of the most magical times in life.

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You'll be fine. Its not healthy to rely solely on institutions for your social life anyways. Universities and their campuses can have an even worse effect, as they not only offer social opportunity, but also jobs, subsidized gym memberships, restaurants, sports/art programs ect. I have seen too many people shelter themselves within the confines of institutions, only to be left completely terrified when that gravitational pull is no longer available.


Rather your graduating high school, going to a private university or working at google, get out and expand your sphere of influence with a variety of platforms.

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How soon can you shift to campus classes?


This was my thought, too. Why isolate yourself behind a computer screen unless you're working a full time job? In that case, your job would be your daily dose of a social structure, and you'd continue making new friends there.


Consider every new environment a place to form new friendships, even while you continue setting up meals and activities with older friends whenever you can. You may need to be the one who steps up to invite friends to meet rather than going passive and waiting for others to invite you. That's not a bad skill to develop, and it will serve you long into your future regardless of how many people you meet in your classes going forward.

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How soon can you shift to campus classes?

It's going to be awhile for that. I could take more classes this summer at the small college I've been going to for the last 2 years. In the meantime, I've gotten a job at the animal shelter nearby

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