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An ex randomly texted


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Tonight I received a text from someone I used to date, the conversation went well at first. Some apologies on his end and then about an hour later he started texting differently but basically saying all these things to hurt me, almost seeming intentional. But to the point where I blocked his number because it was hurting me that much. Basically saying "I ed someone right after us" and then repeatedly saying "idc" to my replies and then the last ones were "come have sex". I can't tell if someone else got a hold of his phone but regardless it's not okay. I blocked his number told him I wasn't sure what got into him but he was being intentionally mean and no one deserves that and good luck. I think I handled the situation okay but it genuinely hurts me. How do you let go of people who were bad to you? I wish It could be as easy as ... "he treated me badly, screw him" but I'm not capable of that. I am able to make the right choices-block him. But it'll linger in my thoughts, this is someone I always imagined ending up with. I know it's not worth my time to be upset over but i don't understand how people can be so hurtful, ugh

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"I know it's not worth my time to be upset over but i don't understand how people can be so hurtful, ugh"


Don't beat yourself up over not being able block him out of your mind. And consider seeing a therapist for a while if it's bothering you that much. Be glad you didn't end up with a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, which is who this guy sounds like.

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He sounds like a vindictive bully.


What was your history with him? When did you break up?


Was just about to ask that myself. Maddy did you end the relationship or did he? You said you were hoping to end up with him someday, what made you hope that? He is definitely angry about something, he may have been drunk too. Some people get ugly drunk, you may get an apology tomorrow.

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Sorry he was bad to you like this.

Not everyone has the same heart as you(even if you wished they did) where you might have been kind in what you were saying, he obviously wasn't. It sounds like he was intentionally trying to hurt you just to be a jerk.


The best you can do is to not let people like this get to you. You will never have the answers as to why people can be so vindictive, but it doesn't matter, all you can do is take care of yourself and not let them into your life again or let their pettiness hurt you any longer.

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Was just about to ask that myself. Maddy did you end the relationship or did he? You said you were hoping to end up with him someday, what made you hope that? He is definitely angry about something, he may have been drunk too. Some people get ugly drunk, you may get an apology tomorrow.


Yes I ended it. I guess it's always just been in the back of my mind, we ended because we didn't have time for another and it became too difficult but have always talked here and there, there was never any hate. I got an apology this morning on Facebook saying "I'm sorry for that, I'm in a bad place emotionally. You deserve much more and I hope you find happiness"

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Yeah, block and delete is the best remedy for jerks like this. Be swift in hitting end and block as soon as it goes in this direction.

Basically saying "I ed someone right after us" and then repeatedly saying "idc" to my replies and then the last ones were "come have sex".
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How do you let go of people who were bad to you? I know it's not worth my time to be upset over but i don't understand how people can be so hurtful, ugh


You let go by going on with your life, and not dwelling on the past. You know that your time is precious, so follow your own advice and move forward. Start dating again when you're ready, and find other ways to enjoy your life.


Don't waste your time trying to figure out other people. That's a fool's game.

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