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trust issues?


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if you think your BF chats to women... do u think its ok to ask him...and to ask him to show me his messenger?

and how should I deal with him adding single women? he tends to do this very often... we live in a very small village and he keeps adding sexy single women? I told him I don't like it and he still does this???

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He is being blatantly disrespectful to you and your relationship. You don't fight with him over that or try to teach him to be a better man. He knows perfectly well what he is doing and chooses to do it anyway. What you do in response, is simply end the relationship and find a better man to be with.

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He is being blatantly disrespectful to you and your relationship. You don't fight with him over that or try to teach him to be a better man. He knows perfectly well what he is doing and chooses to do it anyway. What you do in response, is simply end the relationship and find a better man to be with.


Ill second that. He knows what hes doing, you didnt put your foot down and he continues. You can put your foot down and see if things change, or you can leave. Hes already shown you, in action, what kind of value he has of you and the relationship and that he is perfectly fine doing whatever the heck he pleases.


Chatting with women is natural. There are only men and women in this world so of corse there is going to be communication. But you have to be the judge on who these women are and why he is adding them. Is it friendly or something more. Not enough detail to know for sure. But when you come to your conclusion, whatever it is, dont be a doormat to this guy who shows no respect for you. Unless you plan to live your life on earth being a doormat

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