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Arguing all the time .


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My boyfriend & I have been together for about 5 1/2 months now. When we got together everything was great, there was no fighting, nothing! In November of 2016 we moved in together & at the beginning everything was fine. Now up until about 2 months ago all we do is fight! We can't come to agreements on anything, there's a little jealousy in the relationship, & I feel like maybe he will find someone better & I always just think of all the negative things instead of focusing on positive. When things are good they are great, but when they are bad it's horrible! I feel like sometimes as he doesn't appreciate me, & doesn't love me or feel the way he did in the beginning & that's what has brought us to this point.

I need some advice on what to do.

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My boyfriend & I have been together for about 5 1/2 months now. In November of 2016 we moved in together

So you were together for only two months when you moved in together? That is way way way too soon (imo). You hardly had time to get to know each other so I can't say it's surprising to hear about all the fighting. You two are still at the getting to know you stage and it seems the signs are pointing to possible incompatibility.


How old are you two? Do you two communicate well? If not, there's the first real issue as without good communication skills, you won't last. Then add to that jealousy and maybe trust issues too. The writing is on the wall.


Maybe move out and go back home.

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