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Is it for REAL?


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How soon in a relationship should you tell someone you love them? How can you know it is real?

If a guy tells you after less than six months that he love yo should you believe. Should you believe if he tells you, 'you are the love of my life' after only a few months what should you say.........

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Love can be felt and as mentioned.. in actions.. over time.

6 months, you're still getting to know each other... ( honeymoon stage).


If you don't quite 'feel it'.. as love yet.. don't force it. Not good if someone rushes into everything so fast.. and it dies off just as fast.


I am sure some can feel 'in love' in 6 months.. just hope they still have it 6 months from now. Then things may be on good grounds.

That's the thing... a relationship need to 'build'.. you need grounding.. and things like respect, caring, communication is all needed for it to progress.


If all is good and they seem real and sincere.. good stuff. Just go with it and enjoy their company.

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If you are wondering and is asking "should you believe him", I say, it's not love! It is different or everyone and different for every relationship. You will know it and you will not question it. Sometimes love just shows and you will know it before the person even says it.

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