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Help!! Please help m dying every second..


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I was in relation with my ex bf for 3.5 years we were to celebrate our 4 year of togetherness in july i was so happy with him but we were in long distance relationship..

i was preparing for entrance suddenly he stopped talking to me as he uses to do than after asking alot he told me he has left me i was shocked that wht happnd than he told he is in relation with another girl i asked to proove he sent me their chat screenshots n the girl also called me n told i m his gf i was completely broken after hearing that bt i managed to meet him once after brkup than asked how he met her n all he told me that after brking up with me he felt so alone n he only cried first time for a girl n that is me due to his lonliness he had to find someone to n he found that bt he felt that he and that girl are very same n compatible after hearing all this i lost my temper n i did slap him 2 times (my first biggest mistake) he is so aggresive bt that time he didnt do anything n said sorry i said i will block u n will nvr talk to u he seemed to be upset after hearing that but i anyhow managed to come back to my home n than i blocked him bt my heart compelled me to unblock him now comes my 2nd mistake i msged her new gf n i also sent me some msgs only 2 to 3 msgs bt than no further chat next day i missed him so much n i called him he said why dont u give me some peace forget me i cnt do anything now


he told me that i was the reason for brkup i nvr fulfilled his wish n i was only concernd abt my career..


i love him so much that i cant forget him n want to have him back anyhow what can i do?

it feels like i cn do anything may be it is white magic bt i know i will nvr evr go for such an option which could harm some one else


n i really doubt that girl is not good..

what should i do

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I'm sorry but this is so hard to understand. All I got out of it is you are obsessive over this guy. He told you he has another girlfriend. Why are you still questioning and pondering?


I strongly suggest you get some counselling because if someone I'm dating for 3.5 years told me he cheated on me, I would drop him like a hot potato. You need some self respect. You need to respect yourself in order for others to respect you.


I'd say, get some counselling and go N/C, you can not control him, you can only control yourself.

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Your posts aren't matching up...


In your last one you said you left your unhealthy relationship of 3 years for a guy who then left you for another girl.


Here you say it's the guy of 3.5 years left you for another girl...


Can you please clarify? It's hard to give advice when the situation is confusing...

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He left you for another. There is nothing you can do about that.


Long distance relationships are a common thread on forums like this. This is not coincidence, the reality is that the majority don't work.


I'm guessing his new gf is local to him.


All you can do is accept that it's over and next time don't do long distance. Sorry!

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