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Accidentally unmatched with someone on Tinder. Should I contact them on Twitter?


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So I've been trying out this Tinder app and I matched up with someone and we exchanged messages and I was really excited about it but I accidently unmatched her somehow when I was unmatching other people. She had put her Twitter handle in her Tinder profile and I remember it. Is it worth trying to contact her through Twitter to explain what happened and that I am still interested? Or should I just move on? I'm afraid contacting her on Twitter might come across as creepy or stalkerish, but on the other hand, she could be flattered that I went out of my way to find her and explain what happened.

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Based on what you described, if the two of you were messengering along together happily, and she has other contact information for herself publicly advertised, I see nothing amiss in sending a brief explanation and invitation to continue chatting if she's interested, to another of her listed contact hubs. If she doesn't reply, you'll have your answer, but I certainly hope she does. Good luck.

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Sorry to hear that. This is why as soon as a couple messages are exchanged you get off site contact info and better yet, arrange a meet.


Try the twitter approach but go straight to asking to meet up. No elaborate explanation just 'I deleted tinder inadvertently before I had the chance to ask if you wanted to meet up for coffee"

I accidently unmatched her somehow when I was unmatching other people. She had put her Twitter handle in her Tinder profile and I remember it. Is it worth trying to contact her through Twitter to explain what happened and that I am still interested?
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Well, considering her twitter information is on a public dating website, I wouldn't be apprehensive in contacting her and explaining what happened.

However, you should ask her out on a date. We spend too much time communicating online and interests can recede after a while.

If she thinks it's creepy then oh, well! She shouldn't be putting her twitter info on a public site if she didn't want anyone contacting her. Also, you have never met her in person, so who cares what she thinks?

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Based on what you described, if the two of you were messengering along together happily, and she has other contact information for herself publicly advertised, I see nothing amiss in sending a brief explanation and invitation to continue chatting if she's interested, to another of her listed contact hubs. If she doesn't reply, you'll have your answer, but I certainly hope she does. Good luck.


I wouldn't say we were messaging along happily. We had only had one brief exchange where I asked her how her weekend was going and she responded. I then actually asked her if she wanted to meet for a drink. I decided to skip the small talk and cut right to the chase and ask her out. Not sure if she saw the message bc I didn't get a response and shortly after that I mistakenly deleted her.

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I still think that you are okay. I'm in agreement with Almira above. You are actively trying not to be creepy, you did message, and she's putting her information on her profile, so this seems reasonable to me that you would follow-up! I wish you luck.

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This is a great message. Nothing to lose. Do it.

I'd message her on Twitter and start with "hey, this is ____ from (dating site), just wanted to let you know that I mistakenly unmatched you, but I'm still interested in meeting up! Would you like to go out for a drink?"
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This is a great message. Nothing to lose. Do it.


Only problem is she doesn't accept direct twitter messages from people she doesn't follow so I have to tweet her in 140 characters or less or multiple tweets. Just feels weird but whatever I have nothing to lose.

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