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ok, i have never heard of a rehab for this and i know it sounds dumb to ask but it is a serious question so please take me seriously.


Ok I am a diabetic with a huge sugar problem, I can not leave it alone no matter what (it seems) and it is seriously starting to scare me cause i don't wanna die early.


does any one here know if there is a rahab clinic for diabetics?

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definitely - talk to a doctor!!! As you know, you can die! What herion is for most people, sugar is for you. don't mess with it! Talk to your doctor, see if they can help you with some sort of treatment.


Furthermore, tell your parents or guardians to please try not to bring sugar into the house. If there are cakes and cookies, get rid of them!!! Make diabetic recipies with Splenda, a sugar substitute - I bet that there are some great healthy recipies for you.


Good luck!

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Well this really isn't something you "rehab" for. When someone talks about rehab thats usually to cure an addiction such as drugs, gambling, sex, etc. Your problem is a medical condition because sugar throws your body chemistry all out of whack. You need to work with your doctor and get on a medically sound eating program.


Check with your doctor or a dietitian about getting into a diabetic program. It is vital for your health.

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