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He's sending me crazy. So unavailable and confusing


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I'll try ny best not to make this too long but i'm in desperate need of advice I'm going more crazy by the day.

Three monthe ago, I met a boy (let's call him John). We hit it off instantly and we've been talking everyday every since.

He has already made it fairly obvious that he had no intention of having a girlfriend any time soon and I was ok with this as I only came out of a LTR a few mi the prior.

Anyway we have been meeting up every couple of weeks minimum and we would be talking every hour. But now... He can take up to around 3 hours to reply to me or sometimes he just doesn't. It's always me having to message him first and it always seems to be me arranging days to meet up.

He works a lot and he often says this is why he doesn't reply but I know he reads my messages and goes on Instagram etc. A few weeks back he would constantly message me when he was at work anyway.

My feelings for this boy are growing very quickly and I don't know if im just over analysing things because I know nothing serious will ever happen so im waiting for the day he will drop me, if im genuinly growing crazy or if he's loosing interest.

He told me when we first met if he doesn't want to speak to me anymore he will completely ignore me with no reason. Absolutely disgusting way of going about it I know but I can't help but like him but this is adding to my paranoia.

What shold I do? I can't bring myself to cut contact with him but I feel like he's f***** me mentally as well as physically.

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Ok texting is not a relationship and sooner or later the flurry and fury of that has to settle down. Dating happens in real time and in person.


Also he's given you this disclaimer that he only wants casual or fwb. This means chasing him, text-tethering him, getting over-attached and over-invested this soon will not end well for you.


You need to lay back and wait for him to text first and initiate dates, if you even want to move forward with this giant red flag warning he gave you.

we've been talking everyday every since. He has already made it fairly obvious that he had no intention of having a girlfriend any time soonAnyway we have been meeting up every couple of weeks. It's always me having to message him first and it always seems to be me arranging days to meet up. I feel like he's f***** me mentally as well as physically.
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He has already made it fairly obvious that he had no intention of having a girlfriend any time soon


Yup. and he's acting like a man who is not your boyfriend. That's why it's confusing. And trust me, I get it, I've been in your shoes. I wish I could tell my old self to just RUN when I heard those words. Because that's what happens - they act hot and cold. You have a great date with them, you think everything is wonderful, then you don't hear from them for days and they don't suggest another date. Then you wonder, how did you have some a great time and why is he ignoring me now?!?


I think just let this one go, he's not ready to be a bf, you know it, he knows it.

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