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Long story short...Me and this guy have been friends since primary school (we dated a short while but you know how puppy love goes and we both always had a crush on each other after that). We went our seperate ways after primary school and only followed each others lives over facebook. After high school we were both in serious relationships which in return ended badly for both (his lasted 3 yrs with a child and mine lasted 5 yrs). About a month after my break up, we walked into each other at a festival. We both were stoked to see each other, and he promised to message me, which he he did about a day after. I went for a visit and well it pretty much lead to a sexual relationship, which lasted for about 4 weeks, 4 pretty amazing weeks. I started developing feelings, i sensed he did as well (i know we both just got out of a bad relationship, but having each other helped with healing ourselves and each other) but he started pulling away and then so did I. Three years went by without speaking to each other, which kind of tore my heart out and about a month ago he sent me a random text; asking me on a date. Due to our history I was doubtful about saying yes, but did so anyway. He did apologize for the way things ended three years back and explanied he was starting to fall in love with me but was still so messed up after his break up and he was just really scared. We were both in the wrong, and tried to build love on our broken hearts, which was really dumb and irresponsible. The day came for our date, he said he would let me know the time and place (the date would have been that particular night). I waited but didn't hear anything from him. Two days later he sent me a text apolozing for not letting me know, said he was working late. Then he asked if I was doing anything that day and I just ingnored the message. I was so angry and in a way hurt because after all this time i realized i never really fell out of love with him. I know ignoring him might have been a mistake, i should of just told him exactly what i felt at that stage. I do believe he feels something for me as well, he hasn't been in a relationship since our encounter a few years ago. He keeps telling me he has feelings for me. I don't know how to handle the situation. I do have strong feelings for him, but i'm so scared of getting hurt again. I'm overthinking everything and just need an objective opinion. A heart can only take so much and mine already has it's fair share of scar tissue but I don't want to walk away from him only to realize in a few years time that he was the one. Please any help would be appreciated.

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How is he the one? He keeps walking out on you and letting you down. Yeah, he gives you reasons, but it sounds more like excuses. Every time you've went separate ways, it sounds like it's been because he's walked away...why exactly do you keep letting him do this to you?

Mu assessment on this, (just from an outsiders point of view)...you're his fall back when he has nothing else going on. He could have been with you seriously by now, but he hasn't wanted to.

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Get it out of your head that you were in love. 4 solid weeks together, which is way too much together time for a new relationship by the way, is infatuation, not love. That was a surefire way to ruin things off that bat, so learn from that mistake. Making a date and not having 5 seconds during the day to break it and leave you hanging? Sorry, but you are desperate if you consider him to be a good risk for your heart. If you accepted anymore communication from him after that incident, you are telling him that you will accept the breadcrumbs he throws you for the honor of being his yo-yo.

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It sounds like another relationship of his is ending or didn't pan out and he wants a rebound/backup (just like before, that's his pattern) So thought he'd contact you.


Then blew off the date because something came up with whoever he's currently with or pursuing. Anyone who randomly pops in and out of your life when he need a fwb backup plan is not "the one".

The day came for our date, I waited but didn't hear anything from him. Two days later he sent me a text apolozing for not letting me know, said he was working late. realize in a few years time that he was the one.
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