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Crazy weekend with old friend,said she would call but didnt!


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Last thursday I met a old friend of mine I havent seen in months and we ended up messin around but no sex (she wanted it). Woke up the next morning on just 3 hours of sleep and tell her before I leave to work just lock the doors when she leaves or wait for me. I come home 5 hours later and she still in bed sleeping naked waiting! I was thinkin this is just a one night stand or sumting. We hang out cuddling as if we have been goin out for years for 3 hours then she goes to work. When she left she gave me a hug and I tell her to call me sumtime.


She gets off at 3am (shes a waitress) and texts me! I was like wow she still thinking about me. Iv been telling myself im not gonna look desperate or clingy and not call her( I ruined my last relationship being that and pushing her away). BTW I just got out of a 3 year realtionship exactly 2 months of NC ago! So she texts me and i text back a hour after (I didnt know i had it) and no response so I went to bed.


Saturday, I give her my first call to her at around 4pm but she didnt pik up and I felt bad as if I was rejected again. The rest of my day I was edgy and was just telling myself over and over it was a ONE night thing! But later that nite she calls me at 11pm I was soooo happy! She said she was sleeping and just woke up. She came over and hung out at my party. After the party I kicked everyone out except her and we ended up watching a movie, I didnt want to sleep with her because of her past but it we ended up doin it with her intiating. She accused me of being a huge @$#^tease lol. Next morning she leaves to work and Im thinkin this may be sumthing more.


Sunday I dont call her but I do text her to see if she wants to hang out. I dont get a response. Im feeling alittle down but im ok she prolly had a reason. That nite before I go to bed she calls at like 1130pm. She said somthing happened to her at work and she came over and talked. She said a man died at her work basically in her arms and she was really traumatized. I was so shocked! she said he collasped and she got him awake kind of with cpr but she knew in his eyes he was dying she said. No one in the whole bar reated but her.The man died as the ambulance came and she said he couldnt hold on any longer. I just gave her a big hug and held her and said I was proud of her and she did all she could.


So we are on the couch laying after and Im falling asleep holding her and she said to get into bed and she will be there after watching family guy. Monday-I wake up in the morning she asleep on the couch. I leave and say I will call her later to see hows she doin. I call her after work and the conversation was short and shes ok. She asked me if I wanted her to call me after school, I was like sure. But she didnt! Today is Tuesday do I call? Just to make it more interesting she on the rebound too! She broke up with her BF cuz he beat her a week ago and she says its completely over. What should I do? I do like her and I feel we moved way too fast.

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ok, i want to make one thing clear here....DONT PLAY THIS DO I CALL DO I NOT CALL GAME!!! its absolutly unnecessay!!!


for one! you said originally she kept calling you/texting you but 'you didnt want to look desperate so you didnt respond' but then when you called HER she didnt pick up & you immediately felt rejected....hello! whats wrong with this picture here? stop over analyzing everything & dont compare every relationship to your previous ones. so what your last relationship fell apart, for whatever reason. this is a different person, with different views, different backrounds, so why compare apples with oranges??? and another thing; why would you immediately feel rejected??? lets say nothing happened at her job & maybe she was playing the same GAME you were playing...'dont wanna look desperate crap' it pissed you off right that she didnt call & it kinda bothered you & upset your feelings...SO WHY DO IT TO SOMEONE ELSE?!?!


i really dont get it. keep it real with people! especially people you care about or can see a future with. and youll get the same treatment in return. call this girl up, who cares!! youre not going to look desperate! if you feel youre desperate, then you are. but dont think for her! she'll think what she wants & theres nothing you can do to change that. so just be yourself & get a move on things...before someone else does...and then what???


and if you feel the sexual contact came too soon, talk to her about it. be casual about it. and be honest with eachother. and leave the irrational over thinking behind you! lifes too short to play senseless mindgames.



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Your right Dragongirl, but I did respond everytime she contacted me, it was me over analyzing what I should do and turniing this into a game I hate to say. Just now, she said she would call me and didnt and i geuss blew me off? I dont know, I do want to call but wanna hear what yall think. I really like her and she was my friend first and still is I hope, it was made very clear between us that we wanted tobe single so I dont wanna make her feel like im forcing anything.

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I think iam gonna call her tonight. it was clearly stated she didtnt want a bf before we did anything tho. At my party she said tome we cant be acting like we are goin out around our friends and stuff especailly because my friend of mine is still not over her after 7 months and she doesnt want any drama. So I dont even know where she really stands. When I do call her should I just forget about it as if it didnt happen? I just spoke to a friend and she said give it a day cuz I would look emotionally attached or sumthin which im not if I call her right away. Ugh!

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I just spoke to a friend and she said give it a day cuz I would look emotionally attached or sumthin which im not if I call her right away.


uh... i think you are emotionally attached if you're stressing like this. look, if you have something to say, then call her. While DG and I have disagreed on the "phone game" in the past, (I was in a special mood that day ) But, it is rather silly to play this waiting game. good luck

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I just spoke to a friend and she said give it a day cuz I would look emotionally attached or sumthin which im not if I call her right away.


uh... i think you are emotionally attached if you're stressing like this. look, if you have something to say, then call her. While DG and I have disagreed on the "phone game" in the past, (I was in a special mood that day ) But, it is rather silly to play this waiting game. good luck

Your right about me gettin attached and Im tryn soo hard not too! I know right now Im infactuated with her because she is the total opposite of my ex. We have so much more in common and I keep on picturing myself goin out with her and I will never know if she feels the same if we keep playing these silly games so Im definetly goin to call her tonight. Thanks guys!

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