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Missed the sign up date for college.. what to do?! stressing..


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So ive been in a community college for about 5 years now, i finally figured out what i wanted t do 2 years ago and am almost done getting my associates in Business admin.


My sisters have been helping me get through school since i was in elementary school and have helped me apply to my current community college, but they are all too busy to help now and i am on my own and do not know much.


I was suppose to apply for a university November of this year to start going there by mid 2017, but i FORGOT. now ive missed the deadline and i will not be doing anything except working my job for 6 months (from june 2017-january 2018) .. i feel so bummed and stressed out because i wanted to be making PROGRESS the whole time until i got my bachelors and moved onto the next step. This is a huge gap and i do not know what i should be doing during these 6 months. The last thing i want to do is take a break that isnt needed at all. Please advise what i can do if im missing out on school..


Are there other schools that will accept me if i paid them some extra cash to put me in for the second half of 2017?


I am going to a counselor on the 2nd of january when the offices open back up, but until then, i wanted some advice from anyone who has experience in missing the deadline for signing up and what they did during their "free time".

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Can you approach the university whose deadline you missed, talk to the admissions office, and ask them to accept your late application? Or go ahead and send it and see what happens? I don't have experience with it, but wouldn't give up yet. I think you are right to find alternatives if you have to wait. Maybe volunteering in your field, researching internships, independent study, audit classes, job shadow?

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