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How do you move past your family disowning you?

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This is my first time to post, I really hope reaching out will help me to move on from my family disowning us and help me release this guilt/doubt I feel everyday. I got married to another woman about 6 months, she is amazing and my 4 year old adores her! My whole family disowned me and my son, I knew they would disown me but I never dreamed they would turn their backs on my son who hasn't done a thing. Everyday I think about my son losing the opportunity to grow up with his family. I know that it's their lost but it is also my sons lost too. I just want to be able to put this behind me and not have all these different thoughts replaying in my head day after day. Any advice?

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While you may chase your dreams and be free to do whatever you want, marrying same sex is not a decision that affects ONLY you. On top of that, you have a child. This is a decision that is going to have effect on him also,not to mention your family. You must have known what they would do? Usually a family is aware on other members stand on same sex marriage??


So you can't believe they would turn their backs on your son....he is 4. It's not like he can jump in a car and go visit his grandparents. How could they see him without having to interact with you also?

I don't want to say you brought this on yourself but you must have known something would happen making a decision like this?

It's not something that will work out today or next week. After emotions cool down and they come to their senses perhaps baby steps will allow them to start slow and see their grandchild if anything. Kill em with kindness I alsways say. Let them see you are happy and this is what you want and things may fall into place

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