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Okay, there are some of us who are doing NC (no contact) so that we can let go and heal. I'm on day 2.


Let's all support one another with NC, because it is really hard!


When you are tempted to call, email, text, IM, or any other contact, come here instead and talk to us! If your ex contacts you, and you are feeling vulnerable, come here and share before you respond out of impulse!


If we stick together, we can all help each other out!

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Ok, I'm jumping on this boat... I'm going out of town today alone - I split up with him yesterday and he moves out on Sunday, (see my other posts if you need all the dirty details) I'll need all the support I can get please and am here for anyone that needs supporting!!! This is the worst time until the emotional rip heals a bit and my healing begins today.

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It is strange, I breezed through 3 months of no contact with my ex no problem. Last week she e-mailed me and we had a brief exchange, now I am finding it very difficult to not continue talking with her.


It was nice to learn that she cares, and has not forgotten about me, but it is not worth the emotions that she has stirred up. I should know that she cares anyway, we were together for a year! I don't need a chatty little e-mail to reaffirm this, especially when it costs me so much.

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There is a saying, no contact equals no new hurt. I believe it.


I still care about people from my past, and I wonder about them at times, I think that's natural...but I don't want or need to ring them up and 'catch up'...I think that would be really misleading, because I don't want to really reconnect with any of them. I don't want to send mixed messages like that.


My latest ex, we never really ended the relationship. She sort of backed off, and we've been back and forth about it all. She is with another guy though, so the writing is on the wall. I don't know how far they've gone, and I don't want to know. The whole thing disgusts me right now. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. So far, I've pretty much been her cake...talk about destructive to my self-esteem and sense of self! She thinks it is okay to see more than one person at a time, but she and I were together for several months, so I think it is too late for dating other people. She doesn't want to lose me or let me go, "just in case". Okay, barf! I don't want these table scraps she throws my way. Maybe she is confused, or as my friends say, very messed up.


I thought I could handle being friends, but she crosses the line every single time we get together. I never make the first move. I feel tremendously misled by her actions. Her inconsistency and mixed messages are messing with my head...so I need to extract myself from this mess, hence no contact.


I haven't told her that I need space, nor have I told her I am doing no contact. If I call her, I'll get sucked back in, I know I am too vulnerable right now to say no to her. I have to go cold turkey for awhile and get a grip on my life again.

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Damnit, inadvertant contact! My ex and I have a mutual friend in the hospital. I went up this morning for a visist and guess who should be there? She was walking our friend around the corridor. I joined and it was fine. It didn't really bother me to see her. It was a little awkward but not bad.

We got back to the room and we chatted with our friend about things but didn't bring anything up. Some more people arrived so we didn't have just look at each other and talk. We kind of avoided eye contact but on occasion would look at each other.

Our friend needed to sleep so we all said our good-byes and headed to the elevator except my ex. I kind of waited for her and I took a peek around the corner only to see her heading the other way. I'm kind of glad we didn't go down together.

The problem now is I want to call her and talk about our friend and tell her it was nice to see her again and that I missed her. I kind of wonder about NC if there is no chance to get my ex back anyway. If I can deal with seeing her today and all I want to do is make a quick call what is the harm. I'm already not happy, calling her isn't going to make me any less happy, plus the NC was blown.

I appreciate all of the advice here this week, but as I said, it's over so what does it matter what I really do? Well obviously I sure am confused since I met her and I guess that's part of the fallout. I didn't want to see her, and really didn't think she would be there this morning and now all I want to do is pick up the phone and talk to her. $hit!

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Well today marks the beginning of 4 weeks. She should be home after her camping trip with the church this weekend. Last night thanks to some help from people on these boards, and some good music, I was able to keep myself from wondering to much about her. I just to focus on things I need to get done now and in the mist of that, if she calls me then thats her. I'm not going to go chasing her down(been there done that). I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I need healing before I can even think about being her friend...

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  • 8 years later...

After nine months of no contact, he texted me happy birthday and some very sweet words. My heart was pounding and body shaking. I replied Thank you. I appreciate it. No more texts exchanged. BACK AT SQUARE 1 as I am left wanting more, missing him like crazy. AFter nine whole months!!!!


He's just a guy, He's just a guy.

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Thanks for starting this thread, i definatly need support as well! I am restarting my NO CONTACT today, so it's Day One. I broke it off with my fiance last Friday and managed to contact him or answer any of his contacts for one week, Until Saturday! on Saturday i was having a weak moment and he happened to text me at that moment so i caved and texted back. Nothing earth shattering, he said " i miss you alot" i said "yes I can see that" (regretted it immediately), he sent me another text about how he has been trying to contact me and I've been ignoring him, i didn't reply. Sunday he texted me again inviting me for breakfast, I told him i was moving on and he should too. (breaking no contact again!) So today I am starting all over again!!!! I will not respond to him if he emails back. He has hurt me enough and i've given him ore time that he deserves. He has also been contacting my sister complaining about the situation and not owning up to his part in all of our problems, how typical!!

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I am 3 months in to no contact with my ex. Not friends with her on FB anymore and apparently she changed her phone number so it makes things easier BUT I work with her and its so very hard to resist the urge to email her. We used to send each other emails all day long and I even send her some after she dumped me. Then one day she made it very clear she was 'no longer obligated to respond to me anymore' yet seeing each other in passing is fine. I still say "hi" when I pass her going in or out of work, but that is very rare. I still miss her though and even though we are so close to each other, she seems very far away now. So I guess that makes things easier after all....

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