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New relationship

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So my ex and I stopped talking about three months ago. My experience with him was very bad,I loved him so much but he hurt me alot and cheated at the end. A month ago i met a new guy, weve been seeing each other every day since. He is a truly great guy and treats me like a princess unlike my ex who treated me like . Despite that I think alot about my ex and feel like I havent moved on. Not so long ago my ex saw me with this new guy and i feel very bad cz I feel That it hurt him after dating for so long im scared of going into a new relationship although this guy is amazing and wont find better. It might be that hes too nice and the fact that my ex hurt me alot keep me hanging on. Im so lost and miss my toxic ex. Im scared of hurting this new guy cz he doesnt deserve it and i know that if i let him go i will regret it. Will time fix everything? What should i do?

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I would take things slower -see the new guy twice a week. You don't know him well enough to know whether he is a person of character and integrity, especially when you're seeing him so often - you need to see how he acts over a longer period of time. Why is it important to you to be treated like a princess as opposed to simply like a regular person, with respect and thoughtfulness and caring?

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Agree, slow things down so you don't crash and burn with too much, too soon. See each other much less.


This guy sounds like the better deal, just get to know him for who he is and don't use him to distract yourself from feelings about the ex. Every day remind yourself that you are lucky to have moved on and start dating someone nice.

A month ago i met a new guy, weve been seeing each other every day since.
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No it leads to over-saturation, like eating the same thing everyday or hearing the same song over and over. Every day is a surefire way to make some one who liked you in the beginning get sick of you. Don't be clingy and needy even though you think you're on the rebound.

But isnt it better if i see him alot so that i get to know him more?
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"Im scared of hurting this new guy cz he doesnt deserve it "

- He doesn't deserve someone who isn't over her ex, either.


YOU are not ready to move on. Do NOT rebound.. those are not nice at all!


Respectfully admit to him you can NOT give at this time of your Life.. and kindly back away. Then you take some good time on your own and deal with your First break up.

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But isnt it better if i see him alot so that i get to know him more?


No... you're simply not ready to give to anyone at this stage of your life.


You are rebounding and using this guy as an emotional pillow.. so that YOU can feel a little better. Doesn't work,

And geeze.. WHY would you jump so fast into someone new? Every day???


Normal speed... get to know them... occasional date.. then increase a bit more.. if interest remains. Should nver jumpt into someone with both feet. Ease into things... as you work on getting to know them.


Anyways... admit you're not ready to get involved again.

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But isnt it better if i see him alot so that i get to know him more?


No, you get to know someone over a period of time, not a lot in a short period of time - you need to see how he is in different seasons, when he is sick, when he feels great, when things are tough at work, when he is visiting family, on holidays, etc.

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