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He finally told me he loves me but.........????????

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A little background on my story...


I told my guy that I loved him back in october, but he didn't say anything back. I mean we talk about it a little but not on how he felt. I figured if he felt it he would have said it. Anyway fastforward a few months. I decided to kind of distance myself from him over the holidays and the next couple of months. I would only joke around with him every once in awhile but not on a regular basis like I did. After about 2 weeks of NC, I broke down and sent him a joke over email. He wrote back with a laugh and then he told me I love you too! Now mind you this is what 4 months after I told him and after I started to distance myself from him. I was talking to him last week about something important, something he had said the week before. I got upset over something I thought he said (which he didn't) but he asked if I was jealous, (over a comment a friend made about him and his looks. The friend was a guy BTW). When I was talking to him he referred to "us" as us. Just because of his delay in telling me how he feels(4 months), I don't know if he means what he says. HIs actions have always shown me that he cares but why the delay in him telling me? Do the things that he has said lately,(asking if I'm jealous and referring to us as "us") sound like he is truly feeling those feelings?


Any help would be great. Thanks.

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Well...the fact that he waited to tell you he loves you is the first sign that he most likely really does. It's actually a good thing that he waited. These days too many relationships start out with people saying "I love you" after a day of dating..which as we all knwo isnt love at all. So I'd consider what he did a good thing. At the time when you told him how you felt, he most likely didnt return the feelings. But with time they grew (4 months is prenty of time for that LoL). So dont break your head over this...I think he loves you! And most guys ask the "are you jealous" questions to boost their self esteem, so I wouldnt worry too much about that either. Sounds like you have a pretty good guy, maybe a keeper. The guys who wait to admit their feelings are rare.



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I don't see the problem, the man you love jsut told you he loved you. Shouldn't you be happy about this?


Why did it take so long? Maybe because he needed some room and time to breathe. If you smother a fire, it just goes out. It needs air to burn.


Also, if you do the same thigns for him all the time and it never changes, he will begin to take those things for granted. You need to turn things on and off. When things are off, you go looking for what you are missing. He missed what you gave him. Learn from this and go get your man, in a few days. You may not want to just jump as soon as he says this. And be a little coy and ask him what took him so long.

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