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not making friends in college?


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i was out of high school for 3 years when i realized i felt ready to go to college, and i am happy with my decision to wait because i am doing something that i actually want to take. it has only been exactly one week, and i haven't met anyone. i have gone to all my classes and i the professor just talks the whole time, which is understood, but i don't have a chance to really talk to people, and im not sure if i should just go up to people and ask them to hangout with me after class, because everyone has different schedules. i really hope to eventually meet people, even if it's just 3 people the whole year thats fine. i never really have been good at making friends, and have had always had trouble relating to people as i have always viewed myself as less, which i am finally slowly over coming, and have come quite a long way in the last year. does anyone have any tips on what i should do to make friends, even if i just come out of college with one true friend that would be enough.

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Join some on campus activities, clubs, groups, etc. That's where people make friends.


Kind of hard to connect with anyone while just attending lectures where people are more busy paying attention to what's being taught and taking notes and moving on to the next lecture. One way to maybe start warming up to people in that environment is picking same seat. If you tend to sit in roughly the same place and so do others around you, eventually you will start recognizing each other, saying hello or simply asking about their notes or some question about the lecture to get a conversation going. It does take time though. Joining on campus clubs and activities is much easier, especially if you are a little shy and need a way to warm up.

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anything that's free on campus, go to it..



I remember I used to go to like pancake night, pizza night. different clubs



my old roommate had a farm and they had watermelon so we brought back a bunch of watermelons, cut them up and hung out where all the people were doing like sports activies and handed out free watermelon for everyone on a hot day. I actually made a lot of friends that way lol.




not much is going to happen in classes.

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Go to places people hang out on campus...cafes, pubs, student union, etc. after or between classes.

i have gone to all my classes and i the professor just talks the whole time, which is understood, but i don't have a chance to really talk to people, and im not sure if i should just go up to people and ask them to hangout with me after class, because everyone has different schedules.
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Lotus, do you have a job? During college, I started working at Taco Bell, which is located about 5 minutes down the street from my campus, so all the college kids were there all the time. Not only did I become friends with people from work, but I also met a lot of college kids.

I would definitely suggest finding a typical college job, or joining a sorority, or a club.

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