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Facebook Messanger and other


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Hello everyone!

I would like everyone to provide their honest opinion.


I have been in a new relationship for 6 months now and so far there are a couple issues I am not too comfortable with my girlfriend, I have told her about and gotten a vague response.

When we first started talking before we meet in person, she will make sure to wake me up every day with a text by phone, a text by facebook messenger or a text by whatsapp and say hi to me, then throw out the day we will exchange messages back and forth, and at night we will say the good night before going to bed; this keep happening before we meet.

Then we meet in person and committed to each other by becoming official boyfriend/girlfriend, and we kept sending messages to each other a lot.


But then I felt that she had changed, I would notice that she does sign in very early in the morning onto facebook messenger and also onto whatsapp, but for her to send me a message it would take 3 hours later, in other words I was not the first one she was communicating with anymore.

On whatsapp she would take 4 hours to reply back to me.


My feeling is, if I am the so called official boyfriend, shouldn't I take priority over anyone else to communicate as the day starts and ends?....... Or am I being to needy?


This started going on and on, she denies talking to guy friends, she says she talks to female friends only.


I had told her that if she has guy friends and she does like to talk to them, just to be open about it and not try to hide it.


Also to add to this topic she told me this at one time: Honey if I tell you now what I have done before you, you would not like it a bit and more than likely you will end the relationship..............So I insisted she tells me and she did not.......So I am thinking ....




Please help me on these subjects !


Thank you very much to all of you that participates

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Hello everyone!


Also to add to this topic she told me this at one time: Honey if I tell you now what I have done before you, you would not like it a bit and more than likely you will end the relationship..............So I insisted she tells me and she did not.......So I am thinking ....


Well! That is certainly something you don't tell your bf and -not- expect them to wonder what it is... It's like telling someone you heard some crazy gossip, but then switching the subject... If you feel you have an open mind, tell her everyone has a past and people change, and maybe she'll open up about whatever it is...


I do think you are being too analytical about the timings of when she messages you and who she might be talking to... Is there a reason that you are not trusting her right now?

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Sorry to sound so blunt, but this looks kind of stupid to me? Why does your relationship have to revolve around messenger or whats-app or whatever. Whom she texts first or last is her choice. maybe she got bored


take her out, go to places, spend more time to her face-to face. Or sit down and have the talk and ask her to be honest and try to do things that makes her happy

Be mature dude. Be a man. The things u are saying makes it look like a middle-school drama

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oh dude. This might be bad news. I think the spark in your relationship is dying. She must be getting bored and turning into other options. The only way to communicate is via social media and even in that she's avoiding you.


You better do something big, a romantic gesture like visiting her by surprise or give a meaningful gift or something similar. If you don't do anything now, she's gonna come back with something different. Be ready for change. stay strong

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There was a time when none of these things existed and we just spoke to our bf/gf on the phone or whenever we saw them, and it was no big deal.

You might be overthinking this too much and being a bit too needy.

Whether you're in a long term relationship or casual dating, it's not necessary to begin the day and end the day with speaking to each other straight away and it can too clingy for most.


However..the bit that she said in the end of your message about her not telling you what she did before you, really has got my eyebrow raised. Hopefully she will let you know what she meant by that.

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