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These signs mean she's interested?

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Yeah, this girl in one of my classes she always will be doing something to get my attention. First like 3 weeks ago she'd stick out her leg and rock her foot back and forth towards me. A while after that it stopped. Then after giving her a few looks of my own; she notices me. So she's playing around with her hair then she looks back towards me to see if I'm watching. Next thing is when I'm getting help from the teacher she comes by my desk (got up to sharpen pencil) and then bumps her leg up against my desk right next to me it wasn't like 5 inches away it was right in front of me and probably intentional. And today, she'd turn around in my direction and what it seemed like she'd space out and play with her hair but look above me except it wasn't directly at me...let's just say it was good enough to see me from her peripheral vision (women have a better vision peripherally). And while I was sitting down (teacher was sitting right next to my desk grading some tests) and she'd come past by and brush either with her coat (no arm contact on my hair/head) and sometimes it'd be a light brush of her arm on my head or something like that. So I'm going to go leave to go to gym, and so the little 2 minutes before we leave she comes my direction (wasn't looking at me but was like looking at the lights or some fake body language excuse lol) and playing with her hair. I didn't really look at her all day. Even though I could of. I would be ok with talking to her, but theres like nothing to talk about that's the thing! If I asked any open-end questions she'd obviously know I like her. Then it ruins my chances. So yeah, post any feedback on what you think specifically girls because they know these things.

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Yeah, I know I always never have the time for those it's like always at the wrong time. Any girls know what these signs are? Bad or good? Just checking any other girl doesn't really do anything to get my attention or touch me in any way so yeah. If some girl likes me usually she'll always stare at me in the halls and usually do something with her hair (with hand). There always afraid to approach me though like their afraid of rejection as much as a guy is (well some guys lol).

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If I asked any open-end questions she'd obviously know I like her.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained....


agreed, if she knows you like her and she likes you, it won't really matter that she knows. Isn't the idea to hint that you like her, metallicAguy?

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its OBVIOUS she likes you. now you say that by letting her know you know ruins your chances--no it doesnt!! you seem to be giving her a BIT of a cold shoulder anyways which is keeping her reallly interested but if you dont give her anything eventually she'll give up and she wont like you anymore. another thing you dont seem tooo interested. if you are then i would say go for it, if you guys got classes together then its super easy to get to know her. you gotta at least flirt with her, not all the time but sometimes it'll drive her mad! lolz

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Lol, ok awesome. Well I am interested just not obsessed like most guys. See like my friends they put their mind and soul into a relationship with a woman then they end up getting hurt. That's why I never put my soul into a girl. But, it's ok to do it when your around 18-20 and so on because your looking for someone to marry y'know?

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But, it's ok to do it when your around 18-20 and so on because your looking for someone to marry y'know?


Oh you are so adorable! He he... back in those years in college, most of the guys I knew were more interested in which parties had the most kegs and the girls wearing the least amount of clothing.... marriage?

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Hey, well I'm not there yet how am I supposed to know? Lol. Not like I live to know what's going on in college. The only thing that really seems to be going on is those Girls Gone Wild videos. Hahaha, I'll watch MTV or something around 12 on a weekend or Comedy Central and one of those videos will be on a commercial lol.

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definitely persue talking with her...i used to be shy way back in the day....and where'd it get me? NOWHERE....so pursue her...im not sayin you should stare at her when shes doing the 'peripheral vision' lol but if you think its an apropriate time when the teacher is being whack just glance over and smile...it'll make her head spin because she would have never expected you to do that....if ur too shy to do that just imagine that you've known her forever like she's some good friend of yours....it helps trust me....make sure you walk out of class the same time she does so that way you can talk to her in the hallway....say somethin typical to open up a topic like 'hey i like/dislike that class, what do u think u got on that test we took...etc' itll open up to talkin about other simple things like music, cool movies and perhaps askin her out to one at some point. good luck

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I agree 100%. Ask the open ended questions, and solve the problem. TBH, I doubt it would make her think you like her though, as all your doing is asking open questions.

You seem sure she likes you, and i doubt you would want to lie to yourself, so just go for it Good luck!

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Don't ask your friend what she likes and doesn't like! No! Then your friend will be asking her all these questions, and she's going to think he likes her!!!


What you could do is suggest to your friend that coordinate some sort of group event - like a bunch of people go bowling or something, and that she be invited.

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Sounds like what I used to do and still do, though I'm getting better. Trust me and everybody else in saying just go for it. At the time it seems like fear of rejection or whatever else makes it not worth it, but after a while her interests will change and she won't notice you any more. That is far worse than being rejected after letting her know you like her, because then you have no relationship and you hate yourself for not doing anything about it.

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