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Anyone had success with hypnotherapy?

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Has anyone ever had success with hypnotherapy? I've been a smoker for 12 years. Over the years, I've tried patches, gum and just willpower to no avail. This past weekend, I met someone who claims that they had been a smoker for 20 years and quit through hypnotherapy 10 years ago.


I really don't know anything about it. I don't personally know anyone that has used it. I've read a little about it, but it's the internet, so who knows how true any of that stuff is.

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Ive heard the same, I don't necessarily have a preconceived idea that it will or won't work. I agree, it cant hurt. But while I'm totally open to trying it, it would be an expensive "experiment".


In my brief research, it typically takes 5 sessions somewhat close together, and each session is $95 on average in my area. I'm going to call my insurance (whenever I find I have an extra hour to waste on hold during the workday) to see if it's covered. At least that way it would possibly be $50 each session.

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I had a friend who tried it, it did not work for her. Do the research, find out what percentages of people have used this successfully AND make sure you're going to a licensed professional who has credentials and is licensed with a state board with no suits against him or complaints.


Just putting that last bit in, because not all states insist hypnotherapists or other less orthodox therapists be fully licensed and vetted in the same way a medical doctor is. Also maybe talk to your doctor about the best ways to quit, what has had successes etc. Although I imagine you likely already have, so forgive me if that's redundant.


This is not to gainsay this method, I imagine for some it does. But it isn't the miracle cure for smoking or many other things either or people would be flocking to those offices. Just do your due diligence and true you have nothing to lose provided you go with a licensed professional who answers ethically and/or legally to a licensing board. And who has proven statistics that his or her methods have been successful in at least X number of patients. No one is going to have 100 percent success on anything, so you're looking for the person who at least has a good number of successes.


Smoking is a tough one to break for lots of people, you have to keep trying until you find what works for you. In my friend's case it was nicotine patches and she took up running, which gave her something to do plus an incentive. The cute guy that was her running partner she married didn't hurt either, but I still remember for her it was hard. She went to the hypnotherapist for six months before he finally told her it wasn't going to work, she just fought too hard unconsciously and not all people are easily hypnotized.


I think you have nothing to lose, just check it all out and see if it's something that would work for you.

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If I decide to do it, I'd definitely go to a licensed professional. It looks like a lot of them have free consultations, so at least I could ask some questions.


You do make a good point. If it were as successful as all of the reviews claim it is, then it seems like it would be a more popular avenue for quitting smoking, weight loss, etc.

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I tried it 25 years to quit smoking. I did not even cut down.


Last year, a crack Wh* introduced me to vaping, she let me try her E-Cigarette. A month later, I bought an E-cigarette and supplies, and quit smoking cold turkey!


Crack Wh* for the win


I wasn't so lucky with the e-cigarette, but well done for you! Who says crack wh* are all bad

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Has anyone ever had success with hypnotherapy? I've been a smoker for 12 years. Over the years, I've tried patches, gum and just willpower to no avail. This past weekend, I met someone who claims that they had been a smoker for 20 years and quit through hypnotherapy 10 years ago.


I really don't know anything about it. I don't personally know anyone that has used it. I've read a little about it, but it's the internet, so who knows how true any of that stuff is.

My husband tried it and it didn't help him one bit. I think you have to be open to suggestion for that to have any luck.


On a side note: I once got hypnotized by a performer at a bar and he made me act like a washing machine. O.o


I'm not sure if they are still providing it as a smoking cessation product or not but ...


What was a tremendous help for me to quit smoking was a script from my doc for Zyban. Its actually a type of anti-depressant that blocks all that fighting and bargaining for Just one more cigarette you (or at least I did) in your own head that compels you to eventually cave and steal one of your husbands... which I kept doing.


It was so easy to stop on that pill that I didn't even have to finish the regimen that I was given. I did have to cut the two a day to one a day because the one at night was giving some psychedelic dreams and not in a good way. Cutting it back to one in the morning stopped the dreams.


Been smoke free for 6 years now and the hubby is still at it but is back to trying to stop with E cigs and vaping.


Good luck with whatever you try.

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