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Not all relationships lead to sex, or any sexual acts for that matter. One of my old best friends whom I was very open with and she was with me...she was with this guy for a good two years and all these did was kiss and hug. They never did anything sexual...and I mean nothing...so it's possible for people to go ages without anything sexual.


All I was basically saying was this guy can do what he likes. It's his life and no one should interfere with it. If he wants to be with this girl, then let him! It's not the end of the world and it's certainly not breaking any law or rules for that matter.


If they are both sensible and talk about things before doing it, then who is to say this guy can't be happy with a girl he likes?!

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Well, when I mean he can do whatever he likes, I don't mean everything. I mean, I'm not saying that he should go out and rob a bank or kill someone. He's old enough to make his own choices in life. There is a line between what you can actually do (e.g. be with a girl you like, go out etc) and what you are able to do, but shouldn't (e.g. rob a bank, kill someone etc)


He likes this girl. You can't control who you fall for, right? And chances are, she likes him too...so what is stopping them from being together? If they want to be together, then that is their choice and they shouldn't listen to what other people have to say.

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