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Kissing on the cheek, need advice.


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So I met these 2 girls who came into my work asking for directions.. and found one of them very attractive. They said they were visiting from another country for a couple weeks. I got that ones number. After they left my work, she texted me an hour later asking me to come get drinks with them. So i did. We met up and i drove them both in my car to a local bar. The girl i liked sat next to me. We got to the bar, and again, she sat next to me. the other one sat across. The conversations we had were great, and funny. turns out that this girl and i have lots incommon. She and i kept joking about having her meet my mother so we can get married. She would punch me on my shoulder lightly or my leg when i would joke around with her. obviously shes interested...


At the end, i drove both of them back to their car and got out with them. hugged the one i wasnt interested in as much, then went and hugged the one i liked. And then gave her a kiss on the cheek. her friend just said "aww thats cute" .. Now my question is that im not sure if i should have kissed her on the lips. Or if the cheek was acceptable considering that it was our first time meeting and her friend was watching as i went and hugged her. I thought it would be super awkward having a romantic moment in front of her friend.


I cant help but think that i should have kissed her on the lips because on our way back to their car, she took mints out of her purse and had them. Im not a very dominant guy but i just need some advice.. She did text me afterwards with a kissing emoji saying that she cant wait to meet her mother in law lol. But i just feel like i should have. Im asking for advice for next time if im put in the same situation. I know this girls going back to her country in a couple days so thats over.. i might visit. but still. was i right to give a kiss on the cheek in the given situation? First day meeting her, same night going to hang out with 2 girls, at the end, one is watching and should i have kissed the other i was interested in?

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Yes, you did the right thing. Kissing on the lips would have been a bit too aggressive and could scare her off. Plus,you already know, this was only for fun because they are going back to their country soon. There's no potential relationship there. Kissing on the cheek is suffice.

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