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Asked her out ... said she was sick

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-I wrote her an email asking her to coffee Friday evening

-her reply: since she wasnt going to day class, she recommended we go out during the day isntead. She attached her tel number and says to her 'some time'

-I called her and she answered as if she had just woken up... said she wasnt feeling good. I say I'll call her tomorrow afternoon. We hang up.



-I phone her at 3pm to clarify Friday's date. She says shes still sick and asks me to calll her back at night in case she feels better

-I phone her at night and she says cant go out Friday. Then something weird happened ... all of a sudden she says "so you just wanna go out and make out with me, huh?" to which I was momentarily stunned and at a loss for words. 2 seconds later, I Jokingly replied "I guess that's not going to happen anymore is it. hahah" We exchange faint laughter then she says to call her back on the weekend.


OK... What day does "weekend" refer to? I dont want to call her on Saturday afternoon and discover she already has plans for that night. When should I offer to go out? I know ppl at usually busy saturday nights. That is why I am thinking of calling on Sunday since it's relatively safe...not as many ppl go out sunday night. Her previous reaction may be attributed to the fact I'm 6 yrs older than she is (I'm in college, she's still in high school). I suppose shes thinking that I'm pursuing her b/c shes young and easy? (is that a fair assumption to make? -i dunno) Any feedback as to when I should call or what day i suggest we go out is welcome. If she refuses me again, is it fair to say that I should stop pursuing her?

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I don't know about all this calling her business. Why don't you get her to call you when she wants. Now you've made the initial contact with her on allthese occasions, if shes really interested in getting together she will call you. 6 years age gap at that age can seem like a long time, just bear that in mind.

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You should just let her call you the next time....unless you told her you were going to call her on the weekend. If not, let her do it as you have already initiated the contacts several times and she has had reasons not to see you, so if she is sick, let her get better and if she wants to see you she has your number and can contact you. It is possible she is just not interested but is not sure how to go about it correctly, but if she is she will call. If not, then you have your answer! Besides, girls like a bit of a chase too ya know?

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I phoned her again in hopes to secure a time and place for a first date but she was on her way out to the movies with her friends. So basically this is how the conversation went (as best as I remember)



Me Whats cookin'?

Her I'm going to the movies tonight.

Me Cool, so when am I going see you again. or will that even happen! You know, I hate playing phone tag. I'm wasting my cell phone minutes every time I call you.

Her heyyyy now, we'll go out soon, just not now. Call me tonight

Me: C'mon, why dont you call me this time?

Her: Okay

Me: Ok well I gotta go do some things bye

Her: Bye


Based on that conversation, does it seem that she's even a little bit interested in getting together? I waited for her call until 2am but no call happened ... she came on msn at 2am so I figured she just got home. I hastily signed off as I had to get up early in the morning.

Should I even bother calling her now or is it be best I wait for her to return the call she was supposed to last night? Help a bro out!

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not interested. i played phone tag like this with a girl. she was always busy... the movies is a common excuse. This one girl gave me the excuse of.. "me and my mom always go shopping on the 2nd sunday in january."

i laughed at that one and said "I see, guess I'll see you after winter break." got back to school and she asked why i didn't call her again and why i'm not nice anymore.


shake it off. it's her loss.

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