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first off, sorry if this is the wrong section. now here's the question

i'm not circumcised, every once in a while my friends bring something up about it, so i never say anything about it because it seems like they all are, but i thought that christians didnt get circumcised, and only one of them isnt a christian. even my buddy who is catholic too makes it seem like he is, but he hasnt auctually said he is or isnt. so do christians/catholics get circumcised?

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Wow - a woodie with a hoodie! I've dated plenty of guys - Jewish, Christian, Catholic, atheist, whatever. I've actually NEVER seen an uncircumized penis in person! I think that it's the norm to get it done these days, at least in the US.


Don't fret about it. I think it makes you different, but not in a bad way. I wouldn't go get it circumsized now - it would probably hurt, right? Yeah, don't worry about the things you can't really change (or don't want to).

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I guess in my generation circumcision has become more mainstream, however, in the world as a whole, it's definitely not the norm. Different cultures have different beliefs about it, I believe the only tie to religious beliefs would be with Jewish people, Im not 100% certain however.


There is absalutely nothing to be ashamed of. This is the way you were born, and has probably taught you excellent hygene. My boyfriend is uncircumsized and I have absalutely no complaints.


I'm guessing that you're mainly concerned about being different than anyone else, but let me assure you that you most certainly aren't the only one.

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My BF isn't... It's great. Nothing like playing with it as he falls asleep after sex. Hahaha! When it's hard, you really don't notice a difference, and when it's soft, all the differences are fun. My BF keeps fantastically clean, so I don't know maybe if you didn't it would be a problem, but other than that don't think anything of it.


Edited to add:


Oops I didn't really answer your question... Um, my BF is catholic, but that doesn't mean some catholics aren't cut. In general, it's whatever a guy's parents decided at birth for whatever reason. For a long time, it was being promoted as "healther" than leaving it naturally, but come on... Logic would tell you that's complete bunk. Unless there's a problem with it like a tight foreskin, and then that's different.

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so i never say anything about it because it seems like they all are, but i thought that christians didnt get circumcised, and only one of them isnt a christian. even my buddy who is catholic too makes it seem like he is, but he hasnt auctually said he is or isnt. so do christians/catholics get circumcised?


Obviously they do, it it rather a steretype in US that all guys shoudl be

circumcised. It has nothing to do with being christians/catholics at all.

It is just a stereotype. And I guess not a very good one.


Sombody long time ago thought it is "healther" than leaving it naturally, especially in hot climates. Now, in US it doesn't make any sense at all, still people do that. Why? They just used to.


So it is simple: if you live in US and wanna look like most guys, go get it.

Otherwise do not bother.

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I wanna know how any of you guys can talk about what "most guys" are like down there, LOL.


I always figured you'd stare at each others' parts even less than we ladies check out one another in the locker room. I think unless you see your buddies' parts, you don't really know. Heck they may be uncut they're just thinking you all are cut so they don't want to be viewed as different or unclean?


I can say that half of the penises I've seen were cut. There was no ethnicity or religion tied to it, as guys from many ethnicities and religions made up both groups. But I'm a girl, so my experience probably doesn't have as much merit as a guy who's seen only his own parts.

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Its just the crap guys talk about when they get drunk...like girls, hockey, football or brands of beer they like. It's a guy thing to know that you're one of the guys or are similar to them. Maybe a 'herd' instinct or something. I dunno, im no psychologist lmao.


NO guy looks at another mans 'parts'. EVER. Unless they're 'girly men'. lol

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1. I wanna know how any of you guys can talk about what "most guys" are like down there, LOL.



2. I can say that half of the penises I've seen were cut.


3. There was no ethnicity or religion tied to it,


1. I don't think guys talk about it at all. Maybe young guys do. Older one have laredy talked about it.

2. omg, they have cut only half of penises? isn't it like extreme to cut half and leave half?

3. You can tie a penis to... oh, at least you cannot tie to ethnicity

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I find it crazy that people in the USA that arn't Muslims or jews are cut...

TBH, I would of thought mutilation would be against Christian belief :S

As for it being healthier... I highly doubt it. Originally it was for people in the deserts and stuff, but it's highly unlikely in a country like America, men would have their penis's exposed like that...

By cutting off the protective skin, it's actually making it more vulnerable.

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Sombody long time ago thought it is "healther" than leaving it naturally, especially in hot climates. Now, in US it doesn't make any sense at all, still people do that. Why? They just used to.


So it is simple: if you live in US and wanna look like most guys, go get it.

Otherwise do not bother.


Not quite. It began in the 19th century during the Victorian Age in Europe and America when people thought that sex was very shameful. They regarded masturbation as a physchological disorder. But even with all the social pressure to keep people from masturbation many boys just couldn't keep their hands of their weenies. So they invented different methods to curb the masturbation problem so that their masturbating youth would not be destroyed. Everything from electric shocks, ice baths, special masturbation-safe cloths to castration was tried.


But no procedure was adequate. Well, castration stopped the masturbation but eh, that they thought was a little to inhumane. So some brilliant doctor came to think about the Jews. They removed the boys foreskin shortly after birth and it seemed to reduce the amount of masturbation. Awesome! he thought, and so was the method introduced all over the western world. But the Victorian Era was about to end and the tradition only rooted in North America where today most boys are circumsized at birth.


However, at some time shortly before or after the World War 2 people stopped thinking masturbation was psychological disorder. And so they made studies showing that circumsizion had many medical benefits, completely disregarding the fact that only Americans, Muslims and Jews circumsize, the rest of the worlds population manage to live and procreate WITH a foreskin. The old myth was replaced with a new one.



My opinion? Barbaric...

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Good post!

We people have to ask themsleves why this tardition is still exists??


For those who still convinced there is some health benefits to it here is


"the American Academy of Pediatrics concluded in its March (1999) report that the medical benefits of circumcision no longer justify its use".

AAP says it is no use. But people still continue this genital mutilation...


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  • 3 years later...

Like someone else said, there is no connection with being Catholic and being circumcised. I have actually heard more than one guy say that he was circumcised because he was Catholic. Complete nonsense. Most guys in Italy, the seat of the church, are not cut. Same in other mainly Catholic countries.

But I know too well how you feel, because I've been through the same thing. I couldn't wait to get rid of my foreskin. Like most uncut teen boys that do, you will probably be enormously happy with the result. Good luck.

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I was circumcised because I'm Jewish, although I'm now an Atheist. I live in Canada, and most of my non-Jewish friends are uncut. I, personally, don't care at all, and I would hardly call it mutilation. Mutilation is more along the lines of female circumcision, or castration, but regular circumcision has no negative effects as far as I can see. Some people say that it makes it less sensitive, but the orgasms are supposedly exactly the same, so it doesn't really matter, does it?


The only real advantage to having it circumcised is that some women (From what I've gathered) prefer it over non-circumcised, but it won't make or break the deal; also, it's only in the looks category, it feels exactly the same. It's like when you're getting change back from a cashier, you'd prefer to get a 10$ bill, but if they only have two 5$ bills, you don't really care. It's pretty much at the same level. As far as why it's perceived as more attractive, my guess would have to be because it looks more like it's erect, and women are probably genetically encoded to like erect penises.

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Hey buddy I'll help you our here.


Alright some people get circumcise and uncircumcised confused.


Circumcise - your parents decide for you at birth to remove the extra skin (you were born with)


Uncircumcised - The skin (you were born with) remains in place.


It's really not what religion does it, its more what the parents decide.


I think people saying about if you live in the US it should be done. Well I'm uncircumcised and live in the United States. I don't care about looking at my buddy because well, I date girls not guys. And really are you going to go around showing your 'tool' to your friends? It's so over looked its not even funny anymore.


I've slept with quite a few girls and they thought I was circumcised because the skin retracts when you get fully hard. And I've got comments from girls that "I shag like a porn star", "I have mastered my tool", "That was the best sex in the world". circumcised or NOT, it doesn't make a difference when having sex. It how you use the tool and make love.

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