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Manipulative mother in law. (A bit of a rant).

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  • 1 month later...
Yep. I had a long discussion about why I didn't want to give them a ride (they can easily take the train) but he just kept making excuses (my cousin doesn't like driving on weekends, my mom can't take the train, it's a long way). Throughout that discussion I had the feeling it was his mother speaking through him because he doesn't behave like that when we are alone. He wouldn't accept a no for an answer and kept insisting. I ended up taking them and when we had to leave (I didn't want to miss GoT) his mother made a face like I'm such a jerk for cutting short their visit or something. At the end of the ride, in a sarcastic way, she said "Thank you so much, Andrea". But not with gratitude. She was implying that I made a big deal out of nothing.


I was going through ENA to see if someone else has a problem with their mother in law. I truly feel for you. My mother in law drives me to the wall. My husband is her only son and I'm in the same boat as you, I don't understand their language. Although his mom speaks perfect English and is a caring and loving person. She has some major power struggle issues. I've brought it up to my husband that I'm not going to tolerate it, and he talked to her about it. She will just deny and doesn't act that way when my husband is in the room. When he walks away, she will start telling me how to do things. After tall that being said, I just came to the conclusion that it's my husband I married, he knows and already talked to his mom several times. She finds way to do it behind his back. I got sick of complaining about her to my husband, and I know it puts him in a hard spot. So here is what I do now. (she still annoys me, but this just works)


When she tries to tell me I MUST do something, I say, I appreciate your advice and tips and I'll think it about it. It's all trial and error for me right now so I'll try things (cooking) on how I would like to cook. Thanks. If she starts to be hostile, I just walk away to another room. If we are in a car together, I just pretend I didn't hear. She's acting up more and more now, but I'm not going to cave. I'm going to continue sticking up for myself. Sorry to hear what you are going through. Thought I'll share my situation. I heard from a lot of my girlfriends, they are also not getting along with their mother in law. I'm not sure what's up with that. I think most mother wants control over their sons. My mom is certainly not like that to my sister in law. I guess some of us are unlucky.

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