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fake or true signals? need help so confused

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well i just recently saw my ex girlfriend at a wedding party we both attended. we had been broken up for 3 months now...she broke up with me by the way. we had been going out for 2 and a half years on and off relationship, with her breaking up with me every single time.

i dunno if im stupid enough about going out with her again but, ever since that nite i cant stop thinking about her again. during this nite i thought she looked amazing. she flirted with me and i flirted back then as i had to leave we talked outside and w hugged and she leaned forward to kiss but i backed off saying we can still be friends. she said she doesnt wanna b just friends. but the thing is when i declined the kiss..she said "oh is that how it is? i have never been good enough for you anyway"

whats up with this? she said sorry after through a text msg thats where it left.

i kinda of miss her in some regard and i still am inlove with her but im scared that if we do go back together that she will just do the same she has done to me in the past.


Do u think she is serious about all this or just wanted a one night stand kinda thing? was it wrong for me to flirt back with her? i couldnt resist it, i sitll feel so much for her


please could anyone give me some advice! thanx guys n galz!

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When you rejected her kiss, this hurt her ego. She then tried to neutralize things by trying to make you feel guilty with her words. Then, she tried to recover by texting you because her self-esteem was low and she was trying to make peace with herself (by apologizing).


Time will tell if she's serious, as she'll call you and show more interest. No, it's never wrong to flirt back with someone - unless you're there with a date and you make it obvious. But if she's serious about getting back with you, she will put in more effort and will not stop at one rejected kiss.

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