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Curiously..Maybe Wrongly..Drawn To A Man A Lot Older Than Me

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I just posted about how older men are always asking me out and how I wish the younger ones would approach me. Well, there is one man who comes into the store where I work....And I am almost ashamed to say it..but for some reason lately I have been looking forward to his presense. There is something about him that intrigues me, and I feel somewhat embarrassed about it because he is so much older than me. He must be in his 50's or older...I can't be sure.



I really have wanted to meet someone my own age...that last post was sincere....so now, you wonder, why would I be talking like this? Maybe I am just being silly...


He came in today and I couldn't believe how nervous I felt...I could barely look at him. I am sorry if I sound so peculiar. He is not conventional to say the least. Last week I helped him move one of his cars to a nearby garage, and afterwards he gave me a ride on his motorcycle because I told him about a very early memory I had of riding on a motorcycle with my dad............


Friday he cooked me dinner at his house. He gave me a ride in this little BMW he has with these race car seats and a loud exhaust.....like a car you would take out on the track. I couldn't help but be curious about this man, still young at heart, full of a quiet honesty and thoughtfullness... I didn't know if it was right to accept his invitation to dinner, but I did....


I feel a little awkward about the whole thing, but strangely drawn to this man at the same time. I don't know what to do about it in all honesty.


People have suggested I take time to heal from some of my pain...what has been helping me tremendously is this forum and the work I do for Goodwill..the people who make me feel like I matter. i didn't mean to consider anything at all.....and I don't think I am right now.....but I still find myself thinking of this man....


Do you think it is strange that I would be attracted to this man? He might even be older than his 50's...I can't be sure. Would that be too odd? Am I just crazy?


There is more to this, but I just wanted to post this for now. I find myself looking over at everyone who walks in, hoping it is him. I am a little surprised about this myself. He is a very mild-mannered person with a kind laugh....wears a lot of black, in good shape.....introspective and intelligent. The first time I saw him he came in off of his bike wearing all leather. His hand was swollen about twice the normal size, and I asked how that happened. It was a simple sliver that gave him blood poisoning.


He said he went to the hospital and they gave him enough medication so that "if a snake bit him, the snake would die." I chuckled quietly and thought that he seemed like a good soul. He comes in everyday and talks with all of us.......and I smile quietly to myself....he seems like a good spirit.


Anyone ever have this kind of situation? I would love to hear any thoughts.

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Hi Pal,

'mild-mannered person with a kind laugh....wears a lot of black, in good shape.....introspective and intelligent.' and this 'still young at heart, full of a quiet honesty and thoughtfullness..'


I realise that one doesnt change the taste of men we wanted and wants for the rest of our lives. Recall about your exbfs and you understand what i mean.


Yes. I remember that you wan a young man. Can u see a young man with such character? If you can, why get so attached with the old ones?


Yes. You are attracted to him, and you do enjoy ur accompany with him. But i think he is attracted to you as well. Why would a person go down to a store for chitchat only?Unless you arent the one he kept a lookout for the first thing he stepped into the store.


You can have options, either you avoid him, and cut off the attachment with him, or you can continue with it and know more about him.


For my situations, i choose to avoid, coz they arent the ones i am looking for after much chatting. Somehow chatting with someone, can make you gradually know one more

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Honestly you never know what can happen,You know what people say age is nothing but a number so dont think that because he is older that you could not be happy or have fun with him.He may be older but to me from your post you seem interested and there is nothing wrong with that,Something about him gets you going and I think that he may like you to by the sounds of him cooking you dinner and inviting you over,Go with the flow and do whatever makes you happy this is not about what others think about the situation its about how you feel and think good luck keep us posted

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You know Sweetheart, if this man is totally NOT like the men you usually date... that's a good thing right there.


You say he is a good man, well get to know him. Don't worry about what other people think because they are not going to be in your shoes anyway. As long as he treats you well, you enjoy his company--and are attracted to him that's all that matters.


Good luck

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