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How old were you?

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What is gross about it? I was 12 and she was my one of my moms friends who lived next door. She was not married but did have a 5 year old boy. I thought it was a great experience and look back on it as a wonderfull time in my life. We had sex litterally hundreds of times over a 2 year period and she taught me a lot about pleasing a women. I didn't see anything wrong with it then or now. I think all young men should be introduced to one of lifes simplist pleasures in such a memorable way. Sorry if this offends you, but ..............................

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What is gross about it? I was 12 and she was my one of my moms friends who lived next door. She was not married but did have a 5 year old boy. I thought it was a great experience and look back on it as a wonderfull time in my life. We had sex litterally hundreds of times over a 2 year period and she taught me a lot about pleasing a women. I didn't see anything wrong with it then or now. I think all young men should be introduced to one of lifes simplist pleasures in such a memorable way. Sorry if this offends you, but ..............................


I thought you said she was married:


When you first had intercourse?


I was 12 with a 28 year old married women.


Sorry, but I'm doubting the truth of this even more. And I think people are seeing it as wrong because if it is true, you were still a kid (definitely not a "young man") and this woman even had a child about half your age at the time and she herself was nearly 2 and a half times your age; she would actually be classed as a paedophile.

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Oh Come on people. Like it or not this kinda thing is looked at in a different light than if it had been a a 28 year old man doing 12 year old girl . It did happen and yes she "was" married but separated from her husband. Pedofile is a very strong word to be using here also. And I also think that most 17 + year olds here who claim to be virgins are full of cow manure. It's a fact of life, most teenagers lose their virginity before their 16th B-day.

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Oh Come on people. Like it or not this kinda thing is looked at in a different light than if it had been a a 28 year old man doing 12 year old girl . It did happen and yes she "was" married but separated from her husband. Pedofile is a very strong word to be using here also. And I also think that most 17 + year olds here who claim to be virgins are full of cow manure. It's a fact of life, most teenagers lose their virginity before their 16th B-day.


15 will get you 20, in this case 12 will get you 20!!! Look at all those teachers getting busted, society doesnt have room for it. Now me personally, I think the legal age should be 16, not 18.....

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Morky i dont think you should generalize people like that. There are LOTS of people that are still virgins when they graduate... let alone before their 16th birthday... and i really respect that. i would have waited if i didnt love my boyfriend as much as i do. for me, it had to be with the right guy.


as for you having sex with a 28 year old woman... society doesnt accept that, whether you'd like to believe that or not. pedophile definitely describes this woman. a 12 year old shouldnt be experimenting with sex yet anyways, when i was 12 i was more interested in playing with friends ... going to the park... not sex.


you cant go back on your decision... but i dont think it was a smart one. and i agree with vhshowdown.. the legal age should be 16

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Morky, right on. I won't draw any judgements from it. It's a part of your past you can't really change now and if you both enjoyed the experiences you shared, great for you. If you feel it's enriched your life, then whatever. It's just an unusual circumstance for me to read about, especially given my own prudish background. I'm not sure of legal implications and how different state laws work, if she'd technically be classified as a pedophile or not. I'm pretty sure she would be though.


As for people lying about being virgins, I don't see what would motivate anyone to lie, especially on an anonymous message board.

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If he choose to have sex at 12 with a 28 year old woman then thats the choice that he made. What people dont seem to think about the age of consent is "How old is 15 really?" (I'm using 15 here just as a number), there is going to be an age where you can make deicisions that are going to effect your well being for some poeple that may be 12 and for others it may be 25. At some age you can make these decisions and legally this age for sexual purpose is set at the age of consent. Society views this age of consent as some kind of way to determine when people can make decisions for themselves but its pretty easy to decide if you want to have sex or not. Its a simple yes or no question, the age of consent is to keep people from taking advantage of another who doesnt have the same decision making capability. However there are people who are over the age of consent arent able to make these kind of decisions for themselves and are still being taken advantage of. As long as you are able to make a conscious decision that you want to do something I dont have a problem with this.

To answer the original question

I was 18 and she was 21

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