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should i tell the other women


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My ex and i got back together for 3 yrs before he recently broke up with me to go back to his other ex he tried to justfy why he did it so dirty and act so nasty towards me to blame me for the breakup.... he has always juggled 3 to 4 women around but i thought he changed due to life style changes the ex he went back to he made 2 kids on her and put her threw hell as well of coarse the and i never liked each other so when we broke up she took him back well i cut sex off completly i went to get my annual exam to find out i have HPV and i got it fro him mean while the ex getting a thrill out of having this man back in her life she thinks im jealous now i learned he was cheating on me with her so if i have hpv she most likely does is it my place to tell her or should i leave it alone i told him but he deny it but i never slept with another man but him nor have i had a abnormal pap...im still not understanding why i care about him leaving or care about her trash taljing she really is blind whn it comes to him....should i be jealous they together? I will never have sex with him agaun but im still shocked he would be so nasty to me how do i get pastthis

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You get past this by blocking him on all communication means. Phone, FB, everything. You then find someone decent and vow to never let this ex in to your life again as you move forward towards happiness and fulfilment. Leave him to live his chaotic sordid life without you being a part of it. Simple, really.

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Oh hell no you shouldn't be jealous. You should be dancing on the tables that he's gone and she's stuck with his hound dog ways. Take care of yourself, your health and never look back.

should i be jealous they together? I will never have sex with him agaun
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My ex and i got back together for 3 yrs before he recently broke up with me to go back to his other ex


went to get my annual exam to find out i have HPV and i got it fro him
... and yet another reason to not go back to your ex.


Tell her to get herself checked out because she may have it since you caught it from him and then block and delete him and don't go back to ex's. You couldn't stay together for likely good reasons that haven't changed.

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Thank you guys for not being judgemental, i have took the steps to forget about him but sometimes im still in dis belief by the way he treated me when everyone else warned me but i tried to think positive ....i thought about telling her but shes one a real dummy and prob wouldnt believe it she rather think im jealous its sad women cant stick together to give each other heads ups about these things, im not jealous they togeather im upset by the way he handled me the only reason why i want to tell her becaause its high risk hpv and wouldnt wish that on anyone.. But it would be useless in the mean time im still in shock and just want to move past this , although it hurts at times..i believed in him and was sure he would never hurt me so he left me high and dry bills piled up, and with a virus smh......i should be jumping for joy but its crazy!!

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Luv2win, I'm very sorry what you have survived. When we are emotionally very hurt in dynamics like this, one very common urge is to rescue others (by informing the other woman etc). In a lot of cases, it is actually a way of dealing with the trauma, trying to shed it (by denying that you need self-care and you need to focus on yourself to heal properly from painful effects of this dynamic.) The other woman you are talking about is an adult who is as capable of and responsible for taking care of her own health as yourself and she needs to look after her health and you yours. Everything else is dangerous for your emotional health right now. I'm not from your country but as far as I know, disclosing someone else's health status may have different legal consequences in different countries and I'll ask you not to do anything before you consider your emotional safety and health first as well as everyone's rights as described in your country and more impartial ways of protecting public health within those limits. I seriously believe it all starts with detachment from a situation where you were a victim/survivor rather than further involvement with your ex.

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