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I really need some true honest advice i had been dating a guy 20 yrs from1994 off and on at one point we split for about 10 yrs i got engaged to someone else in 2010 but i left the guy to get back with the long term bf we got back together in 2013 after he got out of jail it was good at first he worked and was a very good man he lost his job and i noticed he went into deep depression he changed dramactically he begin to distance himself from me and treating me bad he say the uglyiest things to me stay out all night and blame me for his hardtimes i stood by him supported him while in jail whn no one else did i was paying all the bill and struggleing he became very disrespectful to me and cold i didnt understand why he be so nasty to me whn at one point i was all he had he was living in my house and plotting against me i suffered the death of my mom and son and had a mental break down i couldnt handle wat i was dealing with he was not supported while i was hospitalized he moved out saying he wasnt happy with me i never saw it coming 2 weeks later i found out he was treating me bad and blamimng me

e for his unhappiness cause he wanted to get back with his ex tht left him in jail and turned her back on him he had me to believe he wanted to be single but really he wanted to bewith her i felt used he had no remoist and talked junk about me to others and was very evil to me whn i only helped him i was devastated he treat me so wrong not tht he wanted to bewith his ex he pick at me about taking meds call me names like im nothing i dnt no y i still cant get over him no sex invovled i dnt understand why he felt it so easy to hurt me after all i done for him i ask him why but he say cause of me but i dnt no wat i did i reallyy want to get past this but hes emotonally mentally abused me for so long i started to believe im all the ugly things he say i am how can i move past this i need good respectul advice not to be judge thank u/

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I guess your seeing his true colors now. Count your blessings hes left, why would you want someone so controlling and mean? Dont blame yourself for helping him, he is scum and a user move on girl this guy isn't worth a tear.

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I’m really sorry all of this is happening to you. Your relationship sounded very abusive, and while I think you can certainly find support and helpful advice here on the forums, you would really be better off finding help from a licensed professional.


You are not just getting over a breakup, recovering and moving on requires undoing years of emotional and psychological trauma. I myself am a therapist and I worked in domestic violence for years and I can tell you that it is not something that just turns off or goes away by itself. Please don’t be discouraged by that- there are millions of people just like you going through this and there is a lot of free help available.


is a good starting point if you are in the US. If you are somewhere else usually a quick google search will put you in touch with resources in your area. Best of luck x

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