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the girl i can't describe ...

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I've been going out with this girl that I've known for practically my entire life but didn't really have any interest in her until a few months ago and now we have been going out for almost 2 months now. I can't come to describe the feelings I have for her and the way that we connect with each other. I never even have the thought of anything sexual or of that nature whenever I'm with her and I like everything about her because of HER!


We're madly in love with each other and I wanted to know of some ideas or any types of ways to kinda surprise her or just to show that I care even more. It doesn't have to be anything crazy or out of this world ... just something simple and yet says alot about how I feel towards her. SHE'S THE MOST INCREDIBLE GIRL ANY GUY COULD ASK FOR!!!


- Josh

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aww thats sweet. well you could always get her a nice gift, piece of jewellery. you could write a poem put together a mix cd...there are tons of stuff you could do. but it does concern me a little that you say you dont think about anything sexual with her. i mean you need to have a strong physical attraction as well as the other aspects. otherwise shes just a great friend. but im assuming you just didnt explain that part properly.

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Yeah ... it didn't come out as I really meant it. I do think that but it's not like I normally would think of any other girl. I really respect her and I don't know why but it's not as important all the time. She's very attractive and I do think she's hot but I really do like her for who she is and like I was saying earlier I have alot of strong feelings and respect for her. Thanks for the tips and stuff.


- Josh

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Gifts are nice, but meaningful things are what girls remember, cook her dinner, picknick somewhere, a card with somethign nice put on it, stuff like that. Im sure shed love jewlery, but I like to save jewlery for speacial occasions, if you really wnna show her how you feel, do somehting special for her, create a memory that will alst forever

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i have the exact same thing with my gf, i know how you feel man it's fantastic..anyway lol....i made my gf a mix cd and it worked wonders im tellin you! she's indian so i made her a mix cd of all her favourite hindi songs, which i found out from her ever so friendly big brother. i mean i didnt understand a thing the people singing were saying but when i gave it to her she had this beautiful sparkle in her eyes that i could never forget...


anyway u should make a mix cd..trust me you wont regret it...



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