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Hinting that she is not interested in me?

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A week ago I met this girl through an online personals site, and we have been emailing each other back and forth. We get along quite well. I even managed to work up the nerve to call her phone - twice. I think she might have some low self-esteem issues (like me) because every time she hears from me, on the phone or by email, she always says "thank you" at least twice.


In her last email she mentioned that she has a crush on a certain American sitcom actor (who looks nothing like me). What would be the purpose of mentioning this? Is this just her weird way of saying, "I am not attracted to you. You don't look like my crush and thereforeeee you do not have a shot with me."


Should I even bother to ask her out?

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Actually, i disagree. She's just a girl. Girl talks stuff. She's just talking an arbitrary character that she likes, and it may have absolutely nothing to do with you. Even if it does, should you be concerned? Probably not. Cuz there's nothing you can do about it. If she likes guys with lots of muscles, and you're slim, ask her if it's because she wants to be protected. If so, there're other ways to protect her besides being a manly man.


Hope it helped.

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Hmmm... I mentioned to a guy that I was dating (and really really liked!) that I'm a Vin Diesel fan. (It's a little known secret about me ) My dude looked nothing like Vin Diesel. I just love vinnie cause - I don't know! He's such a meathead! Not even a good actor! It's stupid - I know. So, she could just be sharing her goofy "high school girl" crush with you. Don't worry about it. Just ask her out if you are interested in getting to know her better. Good luck!

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Sorry! Ack! I just can't explain it! The big muscles and hunky bald head!!!! Yeah, he's a really really bad actor, but that's why he's so fun to watch!!!! Not something I said to intimidate my dude with - I was just sharing my "deep dark secret."

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I would def say that this is her way of showing she likes you in her own female devious type of way. Face it, females test guys all the time...after a certain amount of time we stop....but when we're just starting to know the guy, we want to know what interests him, what he would do in our situation...and in your case....how jealous he might get in general....which leads her to figuring out if you like her as much as she thinks......like I said...us women can be horrible....I wouldn't worry about it.....if anything just laugh it off and tell her what actress you think is cute. ~Cutie~

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You've got the date so that's what matters. Just curious as to how things are going. As for her mentioning a crush on an actor, its just conversation. Crushes on celebrities like that are common and never amount to anything anyways. It could actually make for a cute private joke. A girl I've been talking to has mentioned her attraction to a particular singer and I responded by mentioning a female singer I think is attractive. Now its a playful joke between us. Meanwhile, we've both admitted to liking each other and things are going well between us. In fact, we're going to see her crush in concert, better be careful. A fantasy crush doesn't mean anything in real life.

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