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Happy Mother's Day!!!!

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I just wanted to say Happy Mothers Day to all of my enotelone mothers. This is a day for us to celebrate being a mom and to get pampered or to pamper ourselves. I actually celebrated a day early. I went shopping and out to eat with one of my sons and had the best day....really good day. I thought only about myself and how each day does get easier to cope with heartbreak. I also celebrated that I got through my first semester of school and passed my final exams so that was another reason that put my feelings over the top...there was no room to feel any sadness. Have a great day y'all.!!

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Very good! HMD


I am heading out to my parents place soon, with 2 boys. ( after i get them from their dads).

We are doing a combined b-day/mother's day celebration in their New home! Very happy for them!


I am still 'struggling' to accept the fact that someone whom I came to have feelings for, I guess never felt the same.. after about a year.. and i walked away


Recently lost a family pet as well.. so I've been grieving daily for a few months... sigh.


But, I do still have my boys & family close by. We manage.. we are together.


Good luck!

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Very good! HMD


I am heading out to my parents place soon, with 2 boys. ( after i get them from their dads).

We are doing a combined b-day/mother's day celebration in their New home! Very happy for them!


I am still 'struggling' to accept the fact that someone whom I came to have feelings for, I guess never felt the same.. after about a year.. and i walked away


Recently lost a family pet as well.. so I've been grieving daily for a few months... sigh.


But, I do still have my boys & family close by. We manage.. we are together.


Good luck!


I wish you all the best that there is to come your way. You mentioned that you walked away from your ex, that shows your strength. Sorry for the loss of your pet. Keep your head up. Peace to you.

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