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A little age gap...is it ok?

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I've been talking to this guy at work for a bit now. We get on really well, have a good laugh, insult each other (you know, as you do), have a lot in common etc. He's kind, caring, considerate, funny etc...but there's one problem.


I'm 19, and he's 16. We got to know each other THEN I found out his age...didn't really change how I feel about him though.


Would you say a 3 year gap is much? I know gaps mean more the younger you are (say...a 14 year old seeing a 20 year old) but would 16 and 19 mean much?


I like this guy a lot and I don't want the age gap to interfere with our friendship, or what might become more. The only problem I can think of it that I am a right party animal and I like going out, but we won't be able to do that sort of thing together for a bit


Sorry for being so confusing lol

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My boyfriend is three years younger than me. He turns 15 this month and I will turn 18 in October. So the same age gap basically. Love him to pieces. It's not all too common, but it can work. However, you will be restricted in some areas, (I.e. the partying that he can not partake in and whatnot)....but to me it's more than worth it. It's hard though at times because although he is very mature for his age...there still is an age difference...and there will be times that it will be noticeable to you in his actions, (regardless of how mature and whatnot he is/seems). BUT my advice is this: If you truly think you like him, go for it! Just know, it's not always going to be easy.


Best of luck to you and I hope I was some help,

Take Care.

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It's fine to have feelings for someone, but a relationship is not always the best option. Usually I have no problem with any age gaps(i myself have been in several relationships with huge gaps-14 yrs and up).

Please be careful-I am only saying this because he is still a juvenile.

You can hang out certainly, but if you are honestly considering dating- please be mindful that if you are not careful you could get in a lot of trouble.

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In High School, I knew actually quite a few senior girls who were with freshman. I saw it all four years I was there. I guess I've gotten used to it because I don't see it as a huge deal, although the whole maturity thing would possibly make it difficult. I personally would never do it if I was in your shoes, just because you both are at two different points in your life at your ages and if you're not yet, you eventually will be (college different times which could likely result in a long distance relationship, jobs, careers, maturity, everything, I guess). That's just my personal opinion for myself. But it is pretty much guarenteed that there will be atleast one of those problems due to the age difference at some point, so if you don't think you are ready or willing to handle it, then I'd say stay away. But if you think you'd be able to handle it and you think he's mature enough, then I don't think it'd hurt to try. If you didn't notice any huge maturity issues or anything before you learned his age, I don't think you'd have too much of a problem with it. But, yeah, also be aware of statutory rape laws and all that. Other than that... Yeah, just have fun and good luck!

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He is very very mature for his age. Of course, we both have a laugh and everything, but as I said...WE BOTH have a laugh. I'm not the maturist of people. I am actually quite immature for my age We get on well, as I said before, we both have a laugh but at the same time can be very serious with each other. It's been like that with all my boyfriends. I really can't stand the thought of "growing up". I like to be immature, I like to have a laugh and stuff because I am young at heart.


I'm not sure if he feels the same about me. Neither of us really had a reason to speak to one another. We were working together one night some time ago and we started talking, got on really well and we've been talking ever since. He's such a nice guy and funny. He makes me laugh so much.




He is defintely mature! He's not like any other 16 boy I've met in the past. I always imagine 16 year olds to be pretty immature.. coming out of school and going to college and everything but he seems somewhat different.




I'm from the UK and as far as I know, he is past the legal limit. The "age" of whatever it's called here is 16

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in the states, it is illegal.


I imagine you mean that if they had sex it would be illegal. A romantic realtionship without sex is not illegal and in any case the age of consent varies from country to country and state to state

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