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Sex with my lesbian lover!?!?!?

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Ok, so this is all very new for me. I always thought I was straight....well actually I knew I was never totally straight but I was just terrified of the thought of being a lesbian.


So for yrs I thought I had everything under controll......until I met Toni!!!!! Oh Wow!!! She is the most amazingly beautiful girl I have ever seen. We flirted with each other for a few weeks until one night at our usuall hang out spot we made out in the bathroom......she drives me crazy!!!! I have never felt like how she made me feel that night in the bathroom.


So my problem is..... I am so into this girl and I want to be with her physically.....only I have no experience in lesbian relationships. What do I do??? How much of it is enough????

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I'm not gay - and obviously not a lesbian - but why wouldn't you treat your relationship with her the same you would have with any guy? Go with the flow, enjoy your time together - see where it goes. If it's just sexual - then so be it - but if you want more, you have to state that. If you can settle for just sex - then again, there is no problem.


You know what you want - how you feel - just do what you feel is right.

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i'm having the same problem as you and the respond i got was to go with the flow and see what happens. I talk to my gf about it and she was really sweet and nice about it and told me that she would let me know if what i did was good or if i should move on to something else. The best thing would be talk to her about it and enjoy it to the fullest.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I understand what your going through,I always thought I was straight(well pretty much) I define myself as Bi now.


I had 2 relationships with women years & years ago,I am working on another now(hopefully ) I have had only one realationship with a man about 11 years ago,wow! I can't believe it was that long ago )

Anyway I have had not much experiance with either sex.

the woman I am with at the time being likes me for me(she is slender(not skinny) amazing body(half the time I think I am dreaming that I am with some sort of goddess or something )

But she...wants me for who I am as a person She loves my lips & my breasts and most of all my eyes she said

she could loose herself in them and sees the beautiful soul in me(I just

melt ..lol)

So I understand the fear and the scariness of being with

a woman for the first time ..heck I am still nervious now..hehe..reason being I have not been with anyone for since that guy 11 years ago so you can safely say I am out of practice..with men .. & even more so with women but of course it is coming back to me and she is very patient which helps alot.

I would say to you just enjoy it,touch her how you like

to be touched ask her if she likes it and have her guide you..if

she really cares about you she will be more than

happy to guide you to her pleasure spots(most of all enjoy!!!)

I am currently working on perfecting something myself practice makes perfect

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oh how exciting!!! just enjoy it and COMMUNICATE and be safe!!!! women can spread STD's too ya know. If you are using toys, put condems on them, if you are using your hands, wear latex and use lube! PRACTICE SAFE SEX LADIES until you get committed and go get tested and verify all is good! but like I said, most of all, enjoy it!! your first women, ahhhh, it's wonderful. Good luck!

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oh yeah, i just wanted to say I think it's hilarious how many views this thread has gotten vs the number of responses. Dudes are like, "oh man, lesbian sex!! click!"


LOL Reading people's responses today are just cracking me up. This sounds like a guy who typed this. Guys always think more than one woman having sex is hot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ive just read some posts that have been put on here on first time sex with a women, i'm so glad i'm not alone on the feeling nervous.


i thought i was str8 for a long time and just recently came out that i'm gay. i'm happy never been happier, i've got a girlfriend who is supportive through it all which is a good thing.


it does take time to get to know each other and its same as being in a relationship with guys you know when the time is right for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been with my lady since December 5 2004 and we had just met for the first time face to face April 24th 2005. That was the scariest day of my life. When we got to the room we started kissing and i was nervous becuase i wasnt sure if i knew how to please her but i took my time with her and just communicated with her thru her moans and asking her flat out what she liked and that was the best sex i ever had. I dont ever want a man to touch me again...lol

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Hey guys,


Thanks so much for ur response. Just to ley u all know....my gf and I have had sex and it was amazing!!!!!! We have been together for about 4 mths now and we are still learning about each other's bodies and how to please each other.....but the most important is...we are having loads of fun learning!!!!!!



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Hey guys,


Thanks so much for ur response. Just to ley u all know....my gf and I have had sex and it was amazing!!!!!! We have been together for about 4 mths now and we are still learning about each other's bodies and how to please each other.....but the most important is...we are having loads of fun learning!!!!!!



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