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Saw ex. Setback

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Yeah, I run into mine at least once a week because of kids in school. I've done my best to make myself Vulcan emotionally so I'm not constantly set back. But, its difficult isn't it. Just seeing her makes you dwell....I know all too well. Mine broke up with me about 3-4 months ago and I've run into often. If you are able to avoid seeing your ex, do it. I'm not able to avoid it, I've had a rough time.

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Yeah, I run into mine at least once a week because of kids in school. I've done my best to make myself Vulcan emotionally so I'm not constantly set back. But, its difficult isn't it. Just seeing her makes you dwell....I know all too well. Mine broke up with me about 3-4 months ago and I've run into often. If you are able to avoid seeing your ex, do it. I'm not able to avoid it, I've had a rough time.


Mine broke up with me about five months ago and I went NC. Saw her a couple weeks ago for the first time since we were together. Same ex that prompted me to join this site. Smiled and waved, otherwise didn't bat a lash and didn't really care.


Having kids in the mix doesn't really give you the option but yea, go NC!

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Thanks all. I'm a firm believer in no contact. There's been 3 reasons for contact since the split 1. Taxes 2. Getting my passport 3. Getting the last of my stuff. There's no more reasons. I would love for her to come back but she feels it isn't the right relationship for her. Do I HOPE she'll come back, yes. Do I think and believe she'll come back, not really.

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Yeah, mine broke up with me at the end of her first trimester...with my baby...and I run into her at the school all the time. Hell, we were both on a field trip last week...with her glowing and happy about the pregnancy. We've been NC, outside of running into each other or her texting about a test at the doctor for the baby....because we're both late 30's. So, its not really so easy for me. But I'm about where heartbroken3 is...I'd love for us to get back together, but don't expect it.


Good luck heartbroken3.

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Almost 2 months NC for me, I have yet to run into my ex.


I do live about 5 miles away from her and there is a possibility to run into each other but I've stayed out of the way. I'm not ready to see her, the first time we broke up (last year... This is our second break up) I would see her at the gym occasionally but now I stay away and go to a different one even if my friends still go to the one she goes to.

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