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Question for the guys...

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I have a question for the guys, however girls can give their opinions too.


Do you like really tan girls? It seems like every guy's typical girl is blonde haired and tan. Obviously not every guy likes that, but I want to hear your opinion. Do you prefer tanned skin or fair skin?


What do you think about going to tanning salons?

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I think some girls look really pretty tanned but others look fake and dont look well at all,Everyone has there own preference and own ideas on what they like and dislike,I am not tan because I do not go to the tanning bed but in the summer when I do get a tan I like it,Some guys like it some guys dont it's all up to what you are into just my opinion

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I like somewhere in the middle. I don't like pasty girls that blind you, but I don't like girls who look totally fake. There is this one girl in a class of mine; she'd be the hotest girl on earth if she didn't have this really ugly looking bronze tan.


Most of the time, girls look really good just a little darker than their natural skin tone, just cause; i really can't explain why hehe, just accept that much. But I wouldn't promote girls trying to turn black tanning. It's not healthy, which is obviously the most important factor, and looks bad. Are you thinking about tanning cream or a tanning salon?

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I think tans suit some girls but don't suit others. Like Winona Ryder is totally hot but pale and wouldn't look as good with a tan. Then someone like Cameron Diaz always looks a lot better with a tan than she does without. Depends on the girl I think. I don't really have any preference as long as the look suits the person.

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Umm, I don't like girls with bright white "ghost" skin, and I don't know it really depends on the tan thing, it's kind of rare though. I prefer a real tan, fake ones are too dark, it looks horrible. So basically inbetween not ghostly white and not dark tan. It really just depends on what the girl's other features are (besides hair and skin color).

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I'm a freckled redhead, and I joke that I have "porcelain" skin, it's not THAT pale, but I do not tan (ever)...my options are burn or white, so I lather on the sunblock (also prevents wrinkling so its all cool with me!).

I am going to Cuba tomorrow and when I come back next week, you won't be able to even tell I got some sun...hee hee.



Anyway point is, I have never had a problem with my skin being fairly pale when it comes to male attention. My boyfriend loves my smooth white skin, and I admit that I actually take pride in it now (used to be self conscious). And, because I do put on block and such, my skin is protected from skin cancer and sun-induced wrinkling as I get older...bonus!

My sister too is pale, and is gorgeous - is an actress and dancer, and many guys comment on how beautiful she is.


Have confidence, and you will "glow" no matter how tanned (or not) you are.

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tanned blonde, mmm yummi. well i have to say it looks really good when a blonde is nicely tanned, makes me want to howl like an animal. its the nature of the two colors, its amazinly beautiful. on the other hand a red head with really pale skin, phew, makes my eyes pop all the time. red head and pale skin is really sexy, awesome combination. come on guys give your opinions, i want to know what you guys think.

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I have a question for the guys, however girls can give their opinions too.


Do you like really tan girls? It seems like every guy's typical girl is blonde haired and tan. Obviously not every guy likes that, but I want to hear your opinion. Do you prefer tanned skin or fair skin?


What do you think about going to tanning salons?

Naturally tan - yes. Tanning salon - hard to say. Overall, I like 'em pasty, and I never really fell hard for a tan, especially if it's a noticeable difference from what I've seen before. I guess because I fall in the "you're just fine the way you are" category. And all of my friends prefer brunettes over blondes, and my best friend loves redheads. Me, blondes do turn my head, probably because my only girlfriend in 1st grade was a blonde, but today I could care less as long as she has hair to begin with.

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