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My girlfriend has requested that tomorrow ive got to give her the best kiss in the world.

Any tips to make it more interessting that just a plain kiss?


Oh, while im posting:

Im terrible at multitasking. Does it matter that i have to put all my effort into th kiss and cant do anything else? If so, how can i do stuff with my hands or whatever?

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Its hard to say what she would consider the best kiss in the world because im not sure of her kissing style. I can say what has worked for me in the past and apply it to your situation if you like.


First your lips have to be soft and not chapped, use some kind of lip balm, chapstick or whatever else so you have soft moist lips. A great kiss starts will sensuality, you want to start off slow with some nice lip to lip contact then increase the intensity of the kiss. The tongue plays a key role in this you can use it to gently lick her lips before you go into the kissing with tongue. The idea here is keep her wanting more when you feel that the kiss is getting good, withdraw so she comes after you with her lips. Depending what style of kissing she likes you can also incorporate light biting of her lips and gentle sucking of her lips and tongue. Have fun with it, but remember that you want her to come back for more so use the withdrawl trick in your favor.

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My girlfriend has requested that tomorrow ive got to give her the best kiss in the world.


Is she joking or serious?


Holy Moly, nice girlfriend to put that much pressure on you. I hope you said that she'd better make the return kiss the best in the world as well.

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The best kiss in the world? That's quite some high expectations.


I would say to just kiss her how you normally would. What else can you do? I think that if you focus too hard on how you are kissing or what you are doing, then it's harder to actually kiss and you'll mess it up.


Like DN said, she should hopefully be helping out with this best kiss, because its kind of hard when the other person is just standing there and not kissing back or something. What's going to happen if your kiss just isn't good enough?

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Here's what I would do provided it was to be done at an expected time.


I would avoid kissing her on the lips, as probably she expects, right off the bat. I'd begin by kissing her elsewhere on her face, her eyelids, her forehead, close to her ears, then I would get closer to her mouth and then work away from them a bit. In essense making her wait for the kiss she wants. (As if you were to go down on a woman, she may know where you will end up, but you should try to make her wait a bit before you end up there.) Then when I went to her lips, I'd try to make the move smooth but quick. Make her wait and wait, then bang. When I got to the bang, full on the lips, tongue fencing kiss, I would also take control of her whole body, grab her by the lapel of her jacket or coat, back her up against a wall and hold her there, something like that.


Ladies, help this guy out, please. Let him know what you'd want if you were his gf and that age.

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lol thanks for all the advice guys.


Its just we had a really small fight at school yesterday, and I told her I'd do anything to make it up to her... she requested the best kiss in the world.


She wouldn't care if I just gave her a normal kiss, but I really want to impress her.


I think I'll try some of the ideas you've posted... emma34, sounds fun


BTW, thanks for the fast responses. Any more advice would be much appretiated.

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