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Is This Normal?


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If you've read any of my other posts, you'd know by now that i'm a virgin with basically zero experience with girls.


Fortunately I now find myself in a relationship with a girl who knows i'm a virgin and is fine with it. We've been getting more and more intimate and last night was the first time things got pretty serious. I will cut right to the chase: she directed me to finger her, and while I did it, I was completely grossed out by it. Like, it felt like my hand shouldn't be there. I didn't let on that this was how I felt but the whole time I wasn't really turned on by it.


I realize this isn't normal but are there other guys out there who just don't like to do that? Or is it maybe my lack of experience that made me think it was gross and i'll just get used to it over time?

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Idk, I was grossed out when I tried one night stand. So I believe it is ok if you arent that long into a relationship with her.


Btw to anybody that is reading,if you want to have sex with her she must not know its your first time (especially if she is a virgin), I was explained that very clearly by girls.

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Idk, I was grossed out when I tried one night stand. So I believe it is ok if you arent that long into a relationship with her.


Btw to anybody that is reading,if you want to have sex with her she must not know its your first time (especially if she is a virgin), I was explained that very clearly by girls.


That is rubbish, I was before I met my current girlfriend & she knew early on I was a virgin. It didn't bother her in the slightest. If someone makes a big deal then they aren't for you.

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I think most virgin men would get rock hard feeling a girls excitement. Has she felt you and if so, were you able to get an erection? How about when you guys kiss, do you get aroused then?


Yes - I otherwise get very aroused. But going down there just felt weird to me.

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Yes - I otherwise get very aroused. But going down there just felt weird to me.

Weird maybe, but I'm thinking it shouldn't feel gross to you.

Different? Not what you expected?

Was it enough to make you feel differently go fowatd the next time?

The fact you continued to be aroused I assume is a good sign.

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The reason you havnt experienced any kind of turn is either you the interest to do it, haven't got enough experience or you aren't fascinated because of to much experience ((this means a porn addict)I'm not saying you are) being only on the science side of this I can't make a final judgement but I agree with everyone else lack of experience, the human brain has a protocol from instinct originating at the dawn of our race which tells us we are to be scared of what we don't understand(98% serious this is not a joke) the reason for it is humans origin was in Africa ,home to creatures capable of killing any human. This made our earliest afraid of the Unknown. Basically you are afraid of disappointing her and you just are not sure at all. Think of it like learning to walk at first your scared of falling (giving her disappointment).this makes you not like it(being grossed out).once you work the confidence to do it you try (think it is sexy) when you can walk you show off and do it more(enjoy it) however som tim s I you might fall(get slightly bord)


Hope this helped

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