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America's Outdated Sex Laws

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Ok, in order to prevent hijacking another thread, I've decided to put this info here. We were talking about the ironies of America - worshipping thin people, but half the population is fat. In many many states, oral and anal sex are ILLEGAL!!! No, not just for minors, for everyone. For a nation that is this obsessed with sexuality on TV and movies, it's pretty ironic. Read this article:


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depends -- some of the laws are still enforced, others aren't. I think that a lot of them were made to prevent homosexual sex. As for others, like the sex toys, many are still enforced. For example, I believe in Oklahoma, having toys shaped like penises are illegal. Thus, shops will sell these totally wacky rabbit looking vibrators - because they look nothing like a penis!

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Oh geez, this story is old. I'm in my 30s and I remember reading about this when Jimmy Carter was president. Most of these state laws date way back when to when our grandparents were young. As far as I know, most law enforcers won't enforce these laws or arrest you especially if you are w/in the confines of your own home but just remember to keep the curtains closed because that becomes a whole different story.


Oh yeah, besides these sex laws, there's another set of laws that are so outdated but not enforced anymore. I used to have a book once of real stupid laws and I remember in one state that a woman could only drive if her husband is running along side the car waving a red flag warning people of a woman driver. I forgot what state it was and apparently its still in the books and it originally was created in the early 1900s.

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Two comments:


First, most of these laws were invalidated by the Surpreme Court decision on the Texas Sodomy law last year. The court ruled that Texas could not make homosexual acts between consenting adults illegal. In the opinion they made it clear that most other sodomy and "unnatural act" laws would fail. (Unnatural acts is the term often used in those old laws to cover oral sex.)


Second, beware of "unenforced laws". They can be revived at any time and used to persecute people who have displeased the athorities but have not broken any known law in doing so. All laws should be enforced or repealed.

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Did you catch my comments to you from Luciana post?


If you didn't...just wanted to say to you (and this is meant to be a compliment) that for somone who is only 24, you have a very sensible head on your shoulders.

I wish I had been as wise and sensible as you are when I was 24.! LOL

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depends -- some of the laws are still enforced, others aren't. I think that a lot of them were made to prevent homosexual sex. As for others, like the sex toys, many are still enforced. For example, I believe in Oklahoma, having toys shaped like penises are illegal. Thus, shops will sell these totally wacky rabbit looking vibrators - because they look nothing like a penis!


I believe there was a severe shortage of population in Oklahoma if they did have that law. I guess there is still a shortage...

They'd better off banning condoms and pills then.

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In Texas ...More than six and you are going to jail. And yes they enforce it.


I can imagine regular cops' night raids to neighbourhood houses searching for the 7th penis shaped toys..

I am sure Texas wins in humor contests!

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In Holland, I can own an indefinite amount of penisses In my street alone, there are like 4 sexshops. Nice, children walking by looking at the 'toys': 'Mommy, what is that, can I have one?'




Well, I guess that's part of our infamity. I would wish to live in a country with a couple of more common morals.





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That is so disgusting!!!! Children need to kids and should not be exposed to sex like they are today. To tell you the truth, I didn't learn what sex was until I was 11!!!!!!! Kids should be kids, and adults should behave in a mature adult manor.





In Holland, I can own an indefinite amount of penisses In my street alone, there are like 4 sexshops. Nice, children walking by looking at the 'toys': 'Mommy, what is that, can I have one?'




Well, I guess that's part of our infamity. I would wish to live in a country with a couple of more common morals.





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With more morals? I have no clue. I think other aspects I enjoy about this 'freedom' here, would be lacking there. Or everything would be present but taboo. I have seen a documentary about China were there were/are houses that look like shops, but are in fact common ehm... places to have paid sex so to say.


I guess there is no solution. I don't have much experience with actually living in other countries except from Italy. I would like it better there than here, but that's because of the sun


I wish the 'morals' around sex would be a healthy balance between taboo and 'sex everywhere because it sells' (which seems the extreme we have here).


Neither one is healthy. Any suggestions for emigration possibilities for me? LOL.


I am thinking this country would be called Utopia.



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That is so disgusting!!!! Children need to kids and should not be exposed to sex like they are today. To tell you the truth, I didn't learn what sex was until I was 11!!!!!!! Kids should be kids, and adults should behave in a mature adult manor.


I don't agree at all. Sex is a normal part of human existence. It's how the human population reproduces. I think it's better to let children know about the differences between boys and girls, and to do these things in an age appropriate manner. It's a lot better than telling them so late, and then in middle school, the kids are 11,12,13 having sex.


I remember when I was with my mom in Paris - I was 8 years old. We were staying at a hotel in the Pigalle district. accross the street was a sign saying, "peep show." I asked my mom what that was. She didn't freak out or make a big deal about it. She just said ladies take off their clothes, and men pay to watch. I just said, "oh!" That made total sense to me.


I would rather have my kids exposed to sex on TV than the violence. Like Passion of the Christ - very violent and bloody - I don't know how parents can take their children to see that stuff. Or other violent movies .... but flash a breast on American TV and everyone is *shocked!!!* Given the choice, I'd rather my kids be exposed to too many images of love and affection, rather than too many images of violence.

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I agree to a certain extent. There is a difference to signs of love and affection and a shop with toys and porn pictures visibly displayed for those who just walk by. There is a difference between movies about relationships and music clips on MTV where some rapper is the king of 20 half naked girls who - of course - all want to be with them.


We have a song now in Holland that is simply disgusting. (Yes, I know that's just my opinion but really). A teenage boy 'rapping' (ever heard Dutch rap?! *embarrassed*) about 'his party' where he would do this and that to a girl. It could not be more explicit.


The way he and many other rappers visualize sex and word sexual activities on tvclips/songs can also be borderlining violence, in my opinion. I don't know about MTV in the states, but the clips here display things that would be x-rated when it would be a movie. I really don't get that.


I think that display of sex to a child should be a choice for parents, when the children are so young. Of course, there will always be questions. There is a difference between it being a taboo and something that is displayed wherever you look. I won't let my children grow up in the place I live now, just because there is freedom to sell whatever you want here.


I totally agree about the violence of course. I even think I'd rather not have my children play with toy weapons and such. I don't know. I think I am really oldfashioned LOL.



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