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Landlord does not want my gf to visit?


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I just moved into a new place and my landlord lives in a different country and sometimes comes once a month to check up on the place...


When I got home, she said "we need to have a talk."


she started accusing me of having a girl live with me, accused me of giving her copy of the keys (which I never did) saying it is illegal and that her husband is a lawyer/ambassador so I should be careful...


My gf literally lives 5 minutes from me, walking distance, so after work in the evening she will visit me or I visit her. I'm not just going to sit by myself at home and not have visitors...I'm quiet and don't cause any problems...


She demanded my girlfriend be put on the lease in case she damages something. I'm dating her only 2 months! Common...


I have a lease and nowhere is there stated any limitation on visitors.

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i doubt your landlord's concern is in relation to visitors. I suspect your rent includes utilities. It may be possible that she fixed her rent based on usage and consumption of one person? I can't comment on the legal aspect of it but I would respectfully speak to her to understand her concerns and how you can alleviate them.

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  • 2 months later...

I had a similar situation. I brought my boyfriend to visit and my neighbour (some nosy tweaker guy) told my landlords and implied that he was likely a drug dealer which was rich coming from him. My boyfriend at the time had a mohawk and the whole punk look going on so when the landlords heard they freaked out and asked me all these questions that were none of their business ie how long have you known him, why does he dress like that etc and actually started having friends and neighbours spying on me to see who I was bringing over. We lived above a coffee shop so the landlords would have them sit there and watch me. It was messed up. I never had anyone living there, I paid rent on time and every month. They were psychotic and became increasingly worse as time went on. I would book it on out of there as soon as you're able.

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