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Ladies .. Facial hair atractive


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Geez, if it was always a turnoff then why would any guy have facial hair and not shave it? Like anything else with appearnace, it depends on the person. Some may like facial hair on a guy, others may not. Don't worry about it and do what you want. It's your face afterall.

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I've never been one to be attracted to facial hair, although as long as its not like a long beard, I don't mind it. My boyfriend goes like weeks without shaving at all and he does get a little hair, but you would hardly notice if you weren't right next to him. I think he looks cute that way.


All girls like different things, so just do what you like. Try new things if you want and just see what gets a better reaction from people.

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See the guy in my avatar and sig? That's my boyfriend, and he has a goatee which I ADORE. I always warn him that I would murder him in cold blood if he shaved it off.




However, I prefer him to be clean-shaven elsewhere on his face (in other words, no stubble around the goatee).

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I don't like facial hair but that's my preference. I do like the one day unshaven look but that's about it. Some men are able to pull it off though but it just depends.


Nice, then I'm skipping shaving every other day


I just do the unshaven look cause I'm sooo lazy about shaving. I think I want to grow a gotee now that you've said you gals like it!


Anyone else think mustaches are dead?

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