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My ex GF contacted me after 11 months of NC.


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She actually contacted me a couple of weeks ago, but I only noticed she had a couple of days ago. She wanted some advice because she was heading to a country I had been to before.


I told her I couldn't give her much advice other than to keep safe and enjoy herself. I thought that was pretty casual. She replied hoping everything was going well.


Even though I had been to the country before, I don't get why she would break NC when she could get information elsewhere? I honestly thought that this NC between us meant we were moving in life?


I did find it rather strange.

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Who left who? Honestly, if she broke up with you, id see it as just an honest, though not well thought out question if she knew you had some experience about the area she is visiting. Leave it the way you did, good job by the way. Nothing except clearly stating she'd like to reconcile would be worth giving much thought to.


Im assuming she did, if you dumped her I doubt youd be posting about it here. Good job on the quick response to her and keep moving on.

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Who left who? Honestly, if she broke up with you, id see it as just an honest, though not well thought out question if she knew you had some experience about the area she is visiting. Leave it the way you did, good job by the way. Nothing except clearly stating she'd like to reconcile would be worth giving much thought to.


Im assuming she did, if you dumped her I doubt youd be posting about it here. Good job on the quick response to her and keep moving on.



I'm thinking she might contact again if her intentions were anything other than friendly chitchat and genuine need of information.


It just baffles that she went out of her way to contact me after 11 months of nothing rather than 1) Ask her friend for advice (who has been to the same country) 2) Get information herself from the internet.


Yeah, she broke up with me... it was a really loud break up with lots of crying from her part and shouting from mine. I told her I didn't want to be friends and to contact me if she changed her mind.

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When that happened to me once after a 4 month period, I was really pissed off that he had the gall to intrude on my life like that. I think it shows a lack of caring on their part, knowing it could prevent closure and dredge up past feelings. I should have ignored his text, but ended up being curious about what he wanted and the conversation ended badly with me dismissing him and him saying negative things to me.

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When that happened to me once after a 4 month period, I was really pissed off that he had the gall to intrude on my life like that. I think it shows a lack of caring on their part, knowing it could prevent closure and dredge up past feelings. I should have ignored his text, but ended up being curious about what he wanted and the conversation ended badly with me dismissing him and him saying negative things to me.



I just left it at that when she replied to my text. She was "hoping all was great" and I didn't respond.


I don't know why she bothered contacting me in the first place... did she really want advice and nothing else, was it an excuse to talk, has she recently been dumped... etc...?

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Over analysis of ex's behavior is an immediate downfall mistake. I would just take it with a grain of salt. She values the fact you visited there and asked for advice. Nothing more than that. Breadcrumbs. She might have wanted to see if you are still pining away for her. To boost her ego, not to get back with you.

If you are really that curious, ask her out for coffee to talk about travel and see where it goes. Likely, no where good.

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