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Changing Peoples Perception


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Hey, a few months ago I got my first job in a supermarket. The main reason I wanted a job was obviously for money but I also wanted to practice meeting new people. Now that I have got to know a few people I realized that my confidence has improved massively over the past 2 years. They treat my like all the other guys etc. But when Im in school, because people are so used to my shyness they treat me different. Even when im being confident and stuff they just try and put me down or give me weird looks as if im doing something abnormal. How can I change people's perception on me in school so they will see me as being more confident, because I already know I am but they can't see that.



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Just keep doing what you are doing...I know it seems like not much help, but really being the person you are is best way to get people to see that really is you. You can't really say hey "I AM more confident now!". Just show with actions you are. And if they give you weird looks or try and put you down - well, use some of that confidence and let it slide. Once they start seeing it can't get to you, they'll start to leave it alone when you do it.


Oh yeah..and flirt more And generally just talk to people more. Or join some clubs through school too and see how that goes!

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I agree with RayKay. Soon people will get used to the new you and forget the old you. This sort of change happens to many people and you will quickly be come just another one who has changed as he matured.


Good for you to have built your confidence. Just make sure you don't lose it again.

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try not to think about it too much. Be yourself, and make more friends at school, even if you don't work with them. The important thing is not to stress to much about being accepted by others. Accept your new self and run with it. Joining clubs as suggested will help, their is so much in high school to do and enjoy and learn, don't concentrate on what others think. The greatest way to build your confidence is by taking risks. I needed to take more risks when i was in H S and didn't. I look back now and see how foolish i was...

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Here's another idea. Go out for some project or activity in which you can excel, and that is visible to others. I was thinking of drama or music or sports, because that kind of thing catches people's attention and it's usually a positive thing. Or, if there's a club that hosts activities at school, maybe take a leading role in that.


From what you say, most people will still think of you as a shy guy and a follower until you show them otherwise. The whole thing about being visible is a strategic move - I'm not saying you should change who you are, but be more visible about who you are and what you're capable of.


Hope everything works out for ya!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with what was already said above. Be your same, newly confident self, don't over-think things, keep your head up, and never let them see it affect you.


Don't take THEM too seriously, as they do not define who YOU really are!!


Hang in!

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