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My and my ex girlfriend had been together for three years before she broke it off around a month ago. Her reason was that she wasn't happy. This seemed unlikely, as we just been on holiday together where we were both fine, she'd booked for us to go to Ireland in the summer for a Christmas gift, showing she was planning ahead. And we were looking at moving out together and we had just set her some saving accounts up. Which was her idea. We have always had a good relationship and pretty much spent most days together. Before the breakup I was having a really busy time at uni and with work, which meant that I didn't see her as much over those two weeks. When I did see her she was okay but she would start creating a disagreement telling me I can't take my dog with me when we move out. I had seen her one night and we had done the yearly couple thing and kissed and hugged and then went to work. A day later she had text me saying it's over and when I went to see her she hugged and cried whilst sting on my knee only to say she wasn't happy. Which I struggle to understand when we were fine a week or two before and she even stated that. Since then I did the wrong thing of contacting her asking her to talk and telling her that we can get rid of the dog ect which I know is wrong now. She doesn't want to meet., text or call. She hasn't removed me from Facebook and all of her family keeps keeping contact by commenting or liking statuses. I haven't contacted her in 3 weeks and I don't plan to for a while as I'm trying the no contact rule. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Her family was against her decision. Do you think I should ever get back in contact? Is this for ever? Does she need to find herself? She has also just got a new horse so she will be keeping her self occupied and busy with that. It's difficult because we always got in really well and it came to a abrupt end

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She gets a new horse and you arent allowed to keep your dog?? Whats that about?


I know I thought that, which probably placed a slight tension on the relationship those two weeks, but after having time apart and being told not to have the dog. I have realised that for the dog it is probably best for him to stay at home. But I've been able to come to that decision clearly by my self instead of being forced into it

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It's more than likely she checked out a while ago, and kept quiet until she lined another guy up. I would view it along these lines and block her on Facebook, email, phone, the whole lot. This way you'll stop living in hope of her getting in touch and get on with your life in a healthy fashion.

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I wish unicorns and rainbows existed. Unfortunately, no contact isn't an get your ex back program. It is a get over your ex program. It's for you. If she wants you, she will get back in touch.

Time to focus on you. Exercise and eat right. Keep busy. Get a hobby. Work lots. Spend time with family and friends. Live your life and have fun. Don't mop. Don't do desparate. Don't beg. Keep your dignity and exit with your self respect.

Break ups suck. I know how hard this is. At 8 months, I am back to being me. I still miss her. But, it is all good!

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