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Looking at actions instead of words


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I was curious what some actions are that proves a guy likes you and wants to be committed to you. In the past (and now) i get more hung up on words and what he is saying to me but ive heard over and over that talk is cheap and have seen how that can fail in the past. I am currently in a 4 month relationship and am trying to not get hung up on words but have been experiencing some doubts. One mainly being that at first he texted and talked a lot to me. We still talk every day and see eachother 2-3 times a week however i feel a lot of times now he is quiet with me but very talkative with other people. (i.e. we went to my friends bachelor/bachelorette party this past weekend it was pretty quiet the whole 3 hour ride but when he got there he was fine talking to everyone and talked a lot and was very outgoing, i ended up feeling left out and ignored so i asked him about it. He says he loves me and that i'm perfect and he can talk to anyone and never talks on long car rides....but if he can talk to anyone why are there some instances where he seems to not talk to me. we've had dinners out where i have felt very awkward because he doesn't seem to want to talk and then goes to bed pretty early. i worry i bore him...but he keeps asking me to hang out consistently and if i don't text or call him i know he'll initiate it to ask about my day.

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He seems pretty introverted, and that's not a bad thing. I can tell you're extroverted and one of the biggest no nos you can do to a introvert is force them to be something they are not. He seems to really love you especially if keeps wanting to see you. Introverts are more interested in quiet reflection and deep one on one conversations. He may not feel comfortable talking like that in public or while driving. Get him alone, cuddle up with him start a convo and watch how his much he speaks.

I'm a introvert so I understand.

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I know many people don't like to talk much when driving, as they are focussed on driving, that's pretty normal.


I don't know about others but when I'm in a group setting, me and my boyfriend tend to talk a lot less to each other and either be talking in a group or socialising with others, sometimes separately. Again, I find that quite normal and I don't think you should be expecting his attention to be on you in these kind of situations? Are you by his side when he chat to others? Do you participate in conversations?


As for one on one, conversations do die down a bit after a few months. At the start you're all excited to get to know everything about each other, as it goes on, you just have shorter and more "catch up" type conversations. There shouldn't be awkward silences though, any silence should feel comfortable, and if you feel that you've run out of things to say over a period of time, then perhaps it's you finding out that you really don't have much in common.


I also suggest not to have daily conversations. To be honest, how much is left to talk about in person, when you already talk daily and already know what's been happening in the other person's life on a daily basis? I suggest you leave all the talking to in person.

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